Chapter 23:

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[Notice: Again I am not fluent in Italian, and I can't be bothered using Google Translate because I may end up butchering the language. So Italian will be in Bold Italics]

Her plans were going to ruin, she pretended to be the humble and devoted concubine of the Valide and was gifted to the Barbarian Sultan, only for his bastard spawn Şehzade Mehmed to fall into the water, she prayed that the child drowned by she wasn't that lucky.

Then she had the opportunity to be used against Hürrem Sultan but the Venican bitch stole her chance.

Her third chance was when the Sultan visited his sister, Hatice Sultan and her husband, Ibrahim Pasha, but Şehzade Mustafa fell ill and the Sultan returned to the Palace without even glancing back at Sakdia.

Now here she was again, the spy of the Hungarian King said that she had one more chance to fulfil her mission otherwise she would be trapped in Istanbul with the infidels and their pit of snakes.

She used the murder of Ayşe Hatun to frame Hürrem Sultan, as those two had issues in the past, but rumours speculated throughout the Harem that a witness was discovered and Hürrem Sultan was innocent.

Sakdia bit the inside of her cheek as the Kadins, their bastard children, the heavily pregnant Gulfem Hatun, and the Valide Sultan enjoyed the warm weather. She still had to play the roll of the humble severant of the Valdie, though she doesn't have to sleep with the rest of the girls as her place was as favourite, even though Sakdia did not sleep with the Sultan.
Melekşima watched with keen eyes at Sakdia's sour mood. Her smirk was hidden behind her goblet of sherbet, Halimë's eyes connected with Melekşima's and nodded in agreement.

Sakdia was responsible for Ayşe Hatun's death. They just need concrete proof of this, and the Bulgarian concubine would be dealt with according to Ottoman laws.


Melekşima snuggled up to the Sultan in his chambers, Osman was left in the care of Halimë, as Işmilah and Eşmahan were outside the Sultan's chambers.
"I have a surprise for you." Suleiman spoke, earning a small look from his Kadin. "Come."

Taking Suleiman's offered hand, he escorted her down to the stables with his Aghas, guards, and her small entourage following close behind.
There standing beside another Agha was a beautiful white mare, Melekşima let out a small gasp of surprise. "She's beautiful, my Lord."

He let out a small laugh, motioning his hand for the horse to be moved closer. "She would need a name."
Melekşima touched the mare's head, smiling as she leaned her forehead against the horse. "Kösem."
"Kösem? Do you know what that means?"
"Leader." Melekşima replied, smiling at Suleiman. "For she will lead me back to the love of my life if I ever seemed lost."

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