Chapter 20:

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Weeks passed since the news of Gülfem's pregnancy, Melekşima was a constant visitor along with Suleiman, they both quizzed Gülnihal on the baby's health and of the mother. The pregnancy was declared as a high risk due to Gülfem's age, but they both were doing fine, obviously, Gülfem couldn't be in the Sultan's company for a while.

Gülnihal and the midwives nervously answered all of the Sultan's questions, Melekşima felt pity towards the women as they wanted nothing more than to leave the room, Gülfem also found it quite amusing.
Mahidevran and Hürrem both appeared to give their blessings, though Hürrem was more focused on gaining the Sultan's attention than giving prayers to Gülfem Hatun, but Suleiman's eyes never left Gülfem and the Russelana Kadin left with tears threatening to fall.

They were in Melekşima's chambers, Suleiman on the couch with Melekşima's head in his lap, Osman was sleeping peacefully in his cradle, under an embroidered blanket by Hatice Sultan.

"I have finished cataloguing all the treasures Osman had received, there is also money from the investments from the merchants that Valide Sultan advised on." Suleiman smiled as he braided a small lock of Melekşima's hair.
"And what are you going to spend the money on?" His tone was not critical, he was more curious than anything.

"I have been putting a portion of my earnings back into the Harem's treasury."
Suleiman nodded, patting Melekşima's head softly. "That makes perfect sense, as the Harem needs all the coin we can spare, well done, Melekşima."

"Thank you, my love," Melekşima replied, smiling at his praise and his constant presence, she nibbled on her bottom lip which was noticed by Suleiman.
"Is there anything else?"
Melekşima blinked, how easy was it for him to read her facial expressions. "I have a request..." Suleiman arched an eyebrow, motioning for her to continue. "I wish to do charity work, from what we have calculated there is more than enough money left, more than I can possibly need as I am earning quite a lot from the investments from the merchants." She began, nervous about his reaction to her request. "I only wish to give back what I can, with your permission, of course."

Suleiman paused from braiding her hair, Melekşima blinked as his expression was unreadable, had she overstepped?
An apology was about to leave her mouth when a smile graced Suleiman's lips. "That is a very good reason to channel your money, Melekşima." He replied, finally. "To give back to the people is what we all should do. We are only ruling by the people's graces, and that of Allah. To help the people will most definitely give you a place in Heaven."

Melekşima laughed softly. "Forgive me, my Lord. But I already have Heaven here, when your eyes glance my way."
A flush of colour danced across her cheeks from embarrassment, Melekşima then covered her reddened face with her hands, which made the Sultan laugh louder.
"I am glad you think so highly of me, my Sun."

"There is no life in the harem when you are away, my Padishah. Your presence is the breeze of spring, wonderful and warm. Your absence is winter, cold loneliness and the barren silence of the golden presence. Much like the sun is covered by the dark clouds."

"You are very poetic today."

Melekşima looks up at him coyly, a smirk lingering on her lips. "It is my love for you that inspires me."


For several weeks before and after birth, Melekşima had been getting letters from Princess Isabella and surprisingly Prince Friedrich, the letters were either delivered by Sümbal Agha or the Sultan, who was amused by the unlikely friendship formed between Melekşima and Princess Isabella.

One day, Işmilah allowed Sümbal Agha entranced into Melekşima's chambers, who smiled and bowed- he along with most of the Harem was quick to call her Sultana, though those still loyal to Hürrem, especially Nilüfer Hatun, took great pleasure in calling Melekşima Hatun, that was until the Sultan stated otherwise.

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