Chapter 12:

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Hürrem Sultan was with the Sultan for four whole nights, recovering the ground she had lost since Melekşima's rise, Melekşima felt guilty of her anger towards the Russelana saving Hatice Sultan's baby.

While the Harem celebrated Mehmed, the son of Ibrahim Pasha and Hatice Sultan, Melekşima couldn't help but feel a little sour.

Hürrem was once again slightly becoming insufferable, showing off the Sultan's favouritism towards her anywhere and everywhere she went, showing off the new jewellery the Sultan and Hatice Sultan had gifted her.

And speak of the devil...

Hürrem entered the main room of the Harem, followed by Gül Agha and her entourage. "Good evening, girls."
Some of the newer Cariyes gathered around the Kadin, eager for her attention as the rest rose to greet her.
Halimë helped Melekşima to rise, but surprisingly Hürrem held up her hand. "No need to rise, Melekşima Hatun, you are with child."
"I thank you, my Sultana." Melekşima replied, nodding her head. "Would you like to join us for some refreshments?"

This was a surprise for the Harem, both women were being civil with each other.
Melekşima lightly wince as pain shot up her spine, it did not go unnoticed by the Kadin.
"Are you unwell, Melekşima Hatun?"
"The nausea has passed, my Sultana but the child is restless day and night." Melekşima replied, caressing her stomach where the baby kicked mere seconds before. "I swear to Allah, this child will be born with sword in hand."
That had earned a small laugh from the Russelana, it was not forced nor fake. "My first Şehzade was restless the last few months, fresh air will do you good."
"I thank you for your advice, Sultana."

Hürrem nodded in agreement, turning around to leave the room with Gül Agha running after her, curious whispers sparked up as Halimë, Işmilah and Eşmahan just sat there.
"That..." Halimë began, focusing back onto her embroidery. "Was somehow pleasant."
"Perhaps the Sultan somehow reprimanded Hürrem on her past behaviour?" Işmilah spoke up, with a small shrug. "Perhaps now peace would be within the Harem?"
"Whether she was reprimanded or not," Halimë hissed. "It was still weird."


Hürrem's slight favouritism ended, the Sultan cease calling anyone, dedicating his time and attention onto hunting or government issues. Melekşima was not nearly as affected as both Mahidevran and Hürrem Sultan, the Bas Kadin had a sour look upon her face whenever Melekşima visited Valide Sultan and Hürrem... Well, the Russelana stormed down the halls of the Royal Wing, her temper flaring at anyone that crossed her path be it an unexpected Agha, Kalfa or Cariyes.

There was a few nights that Suleiman would dine with his Bas Kadin and Şehzade Mustafa, other times it was just his Şehzades and Mihrimah Sultan, Melekşima had wondered if he would spend time with their child since he was so attentive to his other children.

Melekşima spoke of her woes of being pushed to the background to Halimë, even though she was happy that the Sultan chose no one over her, her emotions were all over the place due to being pregnant.

The older Cariyes just smiled. "Such is the fate of a concubine of the Sultan." Halimë spoke, as she massaged Melekşima's temples.
"Mmm, one day, I shall share him with you." Melekşima joked, earning a small giggle from Halimë.
"If that is to happen, that is a fate up to Allah."

"Can you see it? Us as mothers of Imperial princes."
Halimë shook her head, earning a small look from Melekşima. "No, I don't think I will be able to handle our Şehzades being rivals. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to birth a Sultana, therefore your child will have more support."
"If Allah grants you that, then the Sultana will most definitely be a beauty."

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