Dedicating Feelings (Fluff)

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A few weeks later......


Max and Lucas lay asleep in the bed, Max's arms being wrapped around him while their legs are entangled, the balcony slide door being open and the windows as well from the fresh warm breeze of the night, them deciding to leave the door and windows open this morning, the thin curtains blowing lightly, Lucas being laid on his back with one of his arms being around Max, her head being laid on his chest.

Max slowly begins to open her eyes, Lucas being seen already smiling down at her, him softly rubbing her arm and his other hand stroking her cheek. The past weeks really they have been in the bed, she is thankful with comes Summer break it is also a break for Lucas as well. Of course he still has to come into work every now and again for the two and a half month period for staff meetings but other than that it is off days for him which he needs.

And where comes them being in the bed most of the time comes them using the bed for...

Pleasurable things.

Max smiles softly with her eyes closed when Lucas gives her a soft peck on her lips, her eyes remaining closed with a smile being on her face, just savoring in the sweet soft kiss. She loves the rough moments, always making her skin hot and body completely excited and that feelings of butterflies frantically flying around in her stomach, but sometimes she wants the slow moments, the soft moments and the sweet moments.

Which is exactly what he has been giving to her for the past few weeks.

And she has been loving it.

"I would say good morning but it isn't." Max says, going to plant soft kisses on the side of his neck.

Lucas closes his eyes with a content smile. "We have to start getting up for the wedding in a little bit probably."

Max turns over a little to look at the clock. "It's only five, we have about thirty minutes."

Lucas smiles more at her, both of them going to put their lips against each others, kissing each other softly and tenderly. Lucas brings her soft body closer to him, her body that just fits perfectly against his. He lays back and closes his eyes when her hand runs down his chest while kissing him, going to kiss the front and sides of his neck. He understands now more than ever why she loves when he kisses her neck, because he absolutely loves it. How soft she goes about it, how her lips curve into a smile.

Her smell and fragrance is completely addicting, to where his nose nuzzles in the crook of her neck to breathe in her smell. Max smiles down at him, one of her hands going through his hair. "I love you."

"I love you more." Lucas smiles.

Max rubs her nose against his while their eyes close. "Let's just make out until we can't anymore, since I still need to walk tonight."

"No complaints here." Lucas says before going to put his lips on hers.


Lucas and Max jump, Amnerlee bursting through the door, them making sure that they are covered. "Angel—"

"It's time to get up and get ready for the wedding! We're getting ready for the wedding! The wedding! The wedding! The wedding!" Amberlee cheers while skipping over to the cradle, going to pick up Annalise and hold her up in the air, Annalise already giggling while kicking her legs. "Are you ready for the wedding?"


"See she is!" Amberlee smiles while holding Annalise to her side. "Say Sissy, sissy."


Amberlee laughs. "Okay new job sis, you make sure our parents get up and start to get dressed I'll make sure that everyone else is awake okay!" She says, going to put Annalise on top of Lucas.

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