Admitting Feelings (Smut and Light Angst)

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"I just got done feeding her so she is probably going to be a little on the tired side." Max says, her softly stroking Annalise's cheek while she is on Sarah's bed, Sarah sitting behind Annalise cris crossed while William is on his knees besides Sarah's bed playing Annalise's train and her watching the action while her pacifier is in her mouth.

"Okay." Sarah nods. "William be glad that Annalise is the reason why you are in my room."

William rolls his eyes in response. "You're welcome."

"But you both have to bring her back in..a couple of hours, she needs to be asleep by eight." Max says. "And it is a long process to send her to bed."

"Fufu." She softly mumbles while playing with her train.

"Okay sounds good." William says. "Thanks for letting us have some time with her."

"Yeah of course, just if she starts crying let me know please." Max says while raising up.


Max makes her way out of the room, her spotting Mike walk past the workout room. "Hey Mike!" She calls out, him turning to look at her. "He still in there?"

Mike looks in the workout room, him going to nod his head. "Yeah he is." He replies. "You want me to try and talk to him—"

"No no don't." Max shakes her head. "He's one of his moods."

"Then I should maybe steer clear." Mike comments. " it...with what happened with Ambie?"

"Pretty much." Max replies. "Goodnight."

"Night." Mike says back.

Max makes her way downstairs, her going in their room and going to close the door behind her. Max sighs a little while she goes to get in the shower, her honestly just feeling mentally exhausted. It seems like every time Amberlee and Lucas have a argument she is always mediator and it gets exhausting whenever the arguments get intense with them like this, causing for the both of them to close off and try and isolate themselves.

For Lucas it is worst, he always works himself out to the point of exhaustion. This past week has consisted of him working then coming back home to just work out for hours and hours until he can't anymore and him getting a shower and falling off to sleep.

She misses him, and she can tell he is a little distant because of his thoughts, knowing she needs to break his cycle and talk to him tonight. She knows he is trying to process his feelings, him trying to figure out what he is truly feeling because this is how he always gets when he is processing, when he is trying to solve the biggest puzzle inside of his mind.

So Max allows him time to do so because she now knows enough is enough, he can't keep doing this and at the same time she just misses her husband. After some long minutes she gets out of the shower, her moisturizing herself and putting on a thin white nightdress that comes to her upper thigh and going to put her hair in a neat donut bun at the top of her head, going to brush her teeth and wash her face as well.

Max makes her way out of the bathroom, her going to sit on the bed cris crossed, her grabbing the remote and turning on the TV, going to flip through the channels. It has been well over an hour, actually being close to two. Max sighs out again, her closing her eyes softly.

She looks towards the door when it opens, Lucas making his way inside while he downs a bottle of cold water, his body being sweaty. "Ambie is out with Jonathan and Cassandra."

Lucas takes the bottle from away from his lips while looking at Max. "Isn't she suppose to just stay here?"

"She needed to be out Lucas she was isolating herself." Max says. "She needed the outdoors." She adds in, Lucas just nodding before going to drink more of his water. "What are you mad or something that I didn't tell you first? If that's the case then I'm sorry—"

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