Staying in (Smut)

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Max feels herself slowly open her eyes, squinting her eyes from the sunlight that seeps through the blinds and curtains. Max feels for Lucas but she doesn't feel him there, that is when she smells bacon and eggs and she is pretty sure toast being made.

Max smiles while her eyes are closed, sitting up to stretch herself out. She decides on a quick shower, knowing most likely Lucas already took one after getting up. She goes to grab Lucas jersey that he still kept after graduation before heading to the bathroom, going to bathe herself and also wash her hair.

After Max is done moisturizing and drying her hair that is now in tight damp curls and brushing her teeth and washing her face she goes to put on the jersey with nothing underneath. She goes to make her way downstairs, knowing Dustin Suzie Mike and El are currently over at Karen's for breakfast and they were going to spend most of the day at Steve and Nancy's place. Dustin told them that around nine in the morning, them both sleeping in until really late.

Max smiles when she sees Lucas stirring eggs while humming, some music playing in the background on the radio. He just wears some black simple joggers and nothing more. Max lightly leans her side on the door, just watching Lucas cook, really looking at his back more than anything. The way his muscles lightly protrude when he moves a certain way, how smooth his skin looks. He has his hair in the two braids again down his head, his hair looking a little damp from the shower he just had.

"Maybe I should be calling you the stalker." Lucas mentions, his back still turned to Max.

Max can hear the smile he has on his face while he says it. She just lightly rolls her eyes while going to hop up on the kitchen counter, kicking her legs lightly while watching Lucas cook. His back is still turned to her, him still concentrated on cooking. Max goes to lean on her hands, planting them behind her a little to make her lean back slightly, kicking her legs slowly. "Smells good." Max mentions. She goes to look up at the clock, seeing that it is already pass noon. "Is this technically called breakfast?"

Lucas turns to Max. "We can call it brunch." He says before giving her a soft kiss. He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, smiling at her. He lets his eyes slowly trail down her body before looking back into her eyes. "I was going to bring you breakfast in bed." Lucas mentions while turning back to the stove, turning the eye off for the eggs and taking out two plates.

Max tries to hide a smile while looking down a little, she never seems to grow use to it when Lucas looks at her that way, the look he always gets when he has....certain things on his mind. "Looks like you were to slow." Max playfully replies. "I got up, showered, and was wondering where you were."

Lucas chuckles lightly, going to put two pieces of toast, some bacon and eggs on both plates before putting them down on the table. "So what you're saying is that you missed me?" Lucas questions while going to stand in between Max's legs.

Max scoffs. "I wouldn't go that far...."

Lucas laughs, going to softly put his lips on Max's. She hums softly while kissing him back, both of them kissing for a minute before pulling away. "Butter?" He questions, going over to the refrigerator.

"Please." Max responds, going to hop off the counter and go over to the table to sit down.

Both of them sit by each other as they eat in content silence, enjoying the good food that Lucas made.

"You know what I just thought about?" Lucas questions after some time.

"Hmm?" Max hums in question.

"We should just bring the TV upstairs with us. Dustin Mike El and Suzie are going to be gone pretty much all day." Lucas says.

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