Chapter 15

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Giyuu didn't sleep all night; he just couldn't with so many things on his mind. Work, school, whatever the fuck this mafia situation was, and a bunch of other things The next morning when Sanemi woke up he saw the large dark bags under Giyuu's eyes.

Sanemi sat up, and Giyuu sat cross-legged in front of Sanemi. Sanemi reached out and touched the area around Giyuu's eyes.

"Jesus, you look like you got punched," Sanemi said.

"Stop touching my face," Giyuu replied, swatting his hand away.

"I'm sorry for worrying about your wellbeing."

Sanemi got a new shirt that was not bloodied, and he, along with Giyuu, went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone ate in silence now that the three grumpiest people in the house were back. There were waffles with berries and syrup. Koto, who was sitting next to Giyuu, had the syrup smeared all over his face.

Giyuu took a napkin, wet it in water, and cleaned his face off. Koto grinned at him, and Giyuu returned with a small smile.

When everyone was done with breakfast, Shizu collected her bags since she was leaving on vacation with her husband. Each of the children lined up, and their mother started with Sanemi. She hugged each of her children. Even though she was only going to be gone for a couple of days, Shizu was getting teary. When she got to the youngest two, they were crying.

"Why do you have to leave Mommy?" Shuya sniffed.

"Stay!" Koto cried.

"I will be back in a few days; I won't be gone for long," Shizu said, smiling and kissing the tops of their heads.

Kyogo just turned and walked out the front door, and Shizu followed him. Koto ran to Giyuu and hugged his leg. Giyuu picked him up and patted his back.

"I'm heading to school; I'll drop Sumi off on the way there," Genya said, grabbing his backpack and walking out with Sumi.

"I guess I'm taking you guys to school," Giyuu said, then he turned to Sanemi," and you're going to help me."

Giyuu tried his best to get everyone together, but it was harder with the two little ones crying and Sanemi just standing there chuckling.

"Don't stand there; go start the car," Giyuu snapped at Sanemi.

Sanemi grabbed the car keys, and Giyuu walked out holding both Koto and Shuya while walking behind Hiroshi and Teiko. When they got to the car, Giyuu buckled Koto into his car seat and Shuya into his. The other two got into the car, and Giyuu got into the passenger seat.

"Start driving," Giyuu said.

"Don't order me around you piece of shit," Sanemi grumbled.

Giyuu sighed. He wondered how Shizu was able to deal with this every day. Koto and Shuya both finally stopped crying and were now laughing with each other.

When they got to the elementary school, Giyuu waved Hiroshi, Teiko, and Shuya, who were able to walk into school themselves. Giyuu walked with Koto, holding his hand, into the preschool.

"Hello," the teacher said.

"Hi," Giyuu said.

"You can sign Koto in over here," the teacher said.

Giyuu let go of Koto's hand to fill out the colomn. He bent down to Koto, hugged Giyuu, and then ran over to his cubby. Giyuu left the preschool and went back outside, where Sanemi was waiting in the car.

Sanemi pulled out of the school and drove back to the house, and the two got out of the car. Giyuu just went upstairs to his room and got back in bed; that was the most tiring 10 minutes ever.

Sanemi entered Giyuu's room with his laptop in hand.

"What are you doing? I am trying to sleep."

"Shut up and sleep then," said Senami, sitting down next to Giyuu.

Giyuu rested his head on Sanemi's, and Sanemi subconciously played with Giyuu's hair, easing Giyuu to sleep.


"Wake up, time for lunch," Sanemi said, shaking Giyuu.

"Let me sleep," Giyuu groaned.

"Come on," Sanemi said.


Sanemi sighed, closed his laptop, and put it aside. Then he picked Giyuu up in bridal style.

"You need to stop doing this," Giyuu said.

"I do what I want."

Sanem put Giyuu down in the dining room, then went to retrieve their lunch. He came back out with two plates of pasta. The two ate in silence, and when Giyuu was done, he brought his plate into the kitchen and went back upstairs to his room.

Sanemi followed him, and they returned to the position they were in before. Sanemi played with Giyuu's hair until he fell back asleep.

Part of the Heist ~ SaneGiyuu AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora