Chapter 1 ( before )

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I woken to the screaming voice of my mother Samather Black. It was a Tuesday I don't know why but I have alway hate Tuesday I guess I just always get bad luck on Tuesday's. I jump out of bed and look at myself in the mirror my thick deep brown long hair was all tangled. Argh it's going to take forever to get the nots out, I looked at my eyes which are dark brown too and my cute small nose. I honestly hated what I look like but I'm not one to complain about how I look but I'm getting older now, being 16 and my friends say I should act more like a girl.

After take my eyes away from the mirror I started to get ready for school putting on my school uniform on and packing my bag with the books I brought home to do homework. I climb down the latter from my room with my bag on. My mother and I live in a very tiny house which is two stories but the top floor is basically a basement which is my room the house consists of only one room one bathroom one small living room and A tiny kitchen. Clearly this house was made for one person but it has held 4 before when my mum got another boyfriend after dad left her he had an 6 year old son. As I climb down the latter I can hear my mother talking to someone in the kitchen, which was strange because my mother never talked or has anyone over in the morning. as curious as I am I had to find out who was in the kitchen with her I slowly approached the kitchen and putted by ear on the wall, so I could hear what they were talking about.

The voice was deep like a males so that means my mum has invited a guy over. letting my curiosity get the better of me I turned around the wall to see who she was talking only, once I turned around I stopped in my tracks and wish I never turned around in the first place. The male that was talking to my was seated at the table with his leg cross over his other leg looking like a real gentleman he had dark brown hair and blue eyes his eyebrows were very bushy and his teeth looked like they haven't been cleaned in years. The man also had a small but cute nose on his face, the man was my father.

My father turned around and saw me he was stocked and quickly stood up my mum stared at me with a worried expression, my dad was smiling down walking towards me to give me a hug. but anger filled me for head to toes I hated my father, I hated him for leaving me and my mum when I was little, I hated him for talking all the money and leaving us to survive in a car for a few months. He has done nothing but ruined everything he mads my mother depressed he made me have to get a job to survive at the age of 7 and now he thinks he can just come back into my life after leaving me to almost die 9 years ago.

Dad tired to put his arms around me but I pushed him off.

"Don't touch me " I said in a threatening voice.

"Oh come on lori it's just your old mad not some stranger" dad replied

"You are a stranger where were you for 9 years of my life, you left me when I needed you the most, you do not deserved to have the title of being called dad"
my voice was breaking as I spoke I wanted to scream at him and say get out. but I didn't

"Lori" mum said in shocking voice
Making me feel like I was the bad person for saying the hurtful things to my dad

My father just stood there looking at me with his blue eyes which to me felt like they were getting bigger.

"ARGH I HATE YOU" looking directly at my father.

Before anyone could say anything I took of running out the door, luckily I still had my bag on and I was dressed I ran around the side of the house grab my bike and rode off to school. My mum and dad came racing out the house after me screaming my name but only stopped running at the end of the street.

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