


"Present, let's do this" she interrupted again. Viper let out a growe of frustration. Deep down Scarlet was laughing-she really enjoyed getting on people's nerves.

"Last but not least, Striker?"

"Let's unleash chaos Viper!"

After the whole team finished checking in Scarlet heard a loud sound in the distance. She took out her binoculars scanning where the noise cam from.

Through the lenses on her binoculars she saw the hover train emerge from the cave inside the mountains across from her.

She smiled with great delight.

Behind her, she reached for her grapple gun in her bag. She then aimed above the tracks just a few miles ahead of the train.

"I'm in position, waiting on you Viper" she said keeping her focus through the scope.

"Copy that-stand by team and wait for my signal" Viper replied.

The train zooms at an incredible speed making the snow fall from the top of the mountain peeks. Scarlet keeps her focus on the train through the scope.

"Stand by...........stand by................."

Time seemed to move in slow motion for Scarlet but she kept her focus on the objective. As soon as she was about to bother Viper again..........

"GREEN LIGHT GREEN LIGHT GO GO GO" Viper shouted through the comlink!


Scarlet fired the spear, it flew off into the snow storm. Until suddenly it came into contact with the rocks above the track. The lines tightened up and she secured her harness.

Without even looking down or having second thoughts she jumped off the edge keeping one hand on the rope.

She started flying towards the hover train and the wind blew harder against her face.
Before she was on top of it she disconnected her line.

She made a perfect landing on top of one of the train cars. In front of her two armed security guards were taken off guard as they turned and spotted her.

They were to late to respond as she pulled out her blasters and killed the first guard, then smacked the second guards blaster out of his hand kicking him off the train.

He screamed plummeting to his death! She felt no remorse for that guard, not even a little.

She got up and started running towards the nearest entrance.

An emergency hatch was revealed to her on top of the train car. She took one of her blasters out pulled the lever and opened the door.

Two more guards stood guard below her as she dropped down and shot them both. They hit the floor with a loud thud and she scans the rest of the train car.

"Viper I'm in!"

"Perfect. Striker and I just got on board. We'll rendezvous with you at the control room. Scardawn, meet up with Scarlet in car 9A. Blindshot— I'm afraid this train will not reach its destination in tact" he chuckles at the last sentence. "See to it!"

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