|| Past Brothers... Future...?||

Start from the beginning

She sat on the bed her head in her hands. He eased down next to her, not quite sure if she wanted to be touched or....

"Padme." Her name was a breath on his lips, he barely dared say it, she looked up at him her face streaked with tears.

He swallowed, then swallowed again, but the lump in his throat- it was still there. He had caused this. All this, everything, the pain the suffering.. it was on him.

He made to move closer to her, to wrap an arm around her but she shook her head and moved away.

She might as well have stabbed him through the heart.

"i just.." her voice broke. "Ani..."

he moved closer to her again, letting her see the devstation in his expression, slowly he put his arm around her and stroked her hair.

"I know." His own voice was broken.

They sat like that for a while, before he took a deep breath and announced.

"Im going to do something about this. I will go infront of the council and convince them to let me help. I wont let us be away from Luke and Leia long."

He stood up content with what he was going to do, although he hated it. Padme's throat bobbed.

"Anakin what-"

He didn't let her finish. "Get them all, the whole rebel leaders group or whoever makes the descisions here. Make them all meet tomorrow at the same room Obiwan took me to yesterday. We're setting this in action."

She didn't look convinced but stood up as well, heading with him towards the door.

"Where are you going." Her voice was no longer the broken thing it had been before. She was in this moment at least, no longer a mother missing her children, or a wife marreid to... well him..

Anakin stopped his thoughts from going there, he always did. He couldn't handle it.

He gave her a fake smile "To drink with Obiwan."

He didn't stick around to he hear her reply. Him and Obiwan hadn't disscussed a time or place. But despite his.... hat- dislike for his former master. He knew him well.

Obiwan would be waiting all night at the closest bar. And Anakin would meet him there, convince him to back him up. So that he could have a chance with the rebels, so he and Padme could hold Luke and Leia again soon.

But first, he had to do the hardest part. Forgive Obiwan. He wasn't sure he could do it.


"That was quick", his former master ordered them both blue milk and at Anakins raised brow he replied, "We're gonna be here a while."

Anakin wanted to say something... anything snarky and cruel in return, but Padme crying in her hands on their bed flashed in his mind.

He had caused that, had made her cry multiple times because of his choice, and now that choice lead her to be a mother missing her children. Screw the reprocussions for him, he would do anything to get that look off her face, even... try to be civil with... this man. Obiwan.

They sat in a private booth, neither man saying anything. Anakin drank his blue milk and stared unforgivingly.

Finally Obiwan spoke.


Anakin almost spit his milk out. What?

He hadn't heard that Womans name in a while.. infact Obiwan had banned anyone and everyone from saying it in his presence.

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