Part - 34 The Banquet Part IV

Start from the beginning

Daniel was still recovering from his near-death encounter with a siren,

Bismarck was overwhelmed with grief about her powerlessness.

"D-Daniel? What are you doing here?" Bismarck said,

Daniel was going to just head upstairs, but just then he remembered why he even came down here.

"Oh, shoot. Bismarck was the whole reason I came down here in the first place!" Daniel said to himself

"Well, I came down here to check on you,

Sooo... are you doing alright?" Daniel said.

Bismarck sighed heavily.

"Don't waste your time" Bismarck said, rather straight faced and depressedly



"Don't waste my time?..." Daniel said, not anticipating her response

"Yes, you heard me correctly..." Bismarck said.

"B-But why? What happened?" Daniel said.

"What happened? Well.... My wisdom cube is broken,

Therefore I am useless in my intended role. And completely unworthy of your time." Bismarck said, in a depressed way

She spoke extremely softly, almost in a tone of unmitigated defeat, if defeat could somehow be a voice tone.

"Uh, your wisdom cube broke... what does that mean?" Daniel asked

"It means I cannot be a ship anymore.... Let alone a flagship

I'm just.....

Human........" Bismarck said.




...Every single great captain in history was a human." Daniel said,


"You wouldn't understand." Bismarck said

"What? why wouldn't I understand?" Daniel said, attempting to be of help

"I was made to fight, that was the only thing I ever knew,

....S-Sometimes even I forgot I was human." Bismarck said, her lip starting to quiver.

"Well, considering that she's a manifestation of a warship you'd think forgetting humanity would be a common occurrence." Daniel thought.

"How could I possibly be a person if I wasn't meant to be one in the first place?" Bismarck said,

Daniel shook a bit, slowed in his response, attempting to think of an answer.

What he said next was completely unexpected

"I'll teach you how to be a person." Daniel said,



"Teach me?....." Bismarck said.


I'm a person, I've lived my whole life as a person, I mean, I'm no professor on human psychology or anything,

but I think I can try..." Daniel said.

"But.... The Großadmiral sees me as a worthless-" Bismarck started

"So? Humans can make mistakes,

Just because he's a commanding officer does not mean he's always correct."Daniel said.

"But I can't be a flagship if I'm a person!"

"No, but you can still lead. You have the experience of a leader.

And if that Großadmrial can't see that, then he's flawed in his logic,

Your team is like a crewing a ship, without a captain or a leader, the crew will fall into disarray." Daniel said,

"What do you know about command structure?" Bismarck said,

"Less than you, a lot less than you actually,

That's why they need you, just like a flagship shouldn't be sitting in port regretting life choices,

even without your portable big guns, you should still do something to help you and your comrades." Daniel said.

"But..... but.... Why?" Bismarck said

"Why what?"

"Why are you being so.... Patient..... with me? What have I done to deserve your patienc-"

"Because that's what friends do." Daniel said,


"Ja, friends. And friends help each other when they need it.

In fact, that could be your first lesson about being a person." Daniel said,

"Since when was I your friend??" Bismarck said.

"Well, you did listen and talk to me, you didn't immediately disregard me or anything, and I can't say that about the majority of people I ran into I'm afraid. So, I took you as a friend.

And friend are there for each other... right? Heh heh..." Daniel said, chuckling a little to wear off some pressure.

Bismarck was stunned.

He had the guts to call the Großadmiral wrong, and flawed in logic


"Ah.... Well.... I heard that there was a banquet was going on upstairs.... So...." Daniel said, in an awkward tone..

Bismarck was then immediately ripped out of her train of thought as Daniel spoke, remembering why she came down here in the first place

"Ah, yes... I-I should get going...." Bismarck said.

"Y-yeah... I should get going too...." Daniel said.


??? *voices comes on via radio

??? "Status update on the manifestation! Time is running short!"

???? "We're here! The cubes have arrived, sir! We're beginning the resonance process, so far it's taken a longer time than anticipated, the anomaly has some quality to it that's interfering with the wisdom cube!"

??? "Well, hurry! I'll have to extend the banquet, and there is a higher possibility that we will be discovered by the crew!"

???? "Jawhol! The manifestation team is trying their hardest!"

??? "GET DONE! I have to go! You have your orders!"

*background chatter getting closer to "???"s position

*radio hangs up.

???? "I'm beginning to wonder of this process will even work..."


A/N hope that scene with Daniel & Bismarck wasn't too cringy!

Hope y'all legends stick around!

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