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                      𝐼𝑡 𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦


"Aaahhhh what did you do to me!" I grab my face as I look at my reflection in the darkness

It was just me and my mother, Spanish Empire, everything was dark...

"Awww darling you look just like me!!!" She said walking closer

"I'm nothing like you!" I shouted and grinned my teeth, so then she stops

She glared at me saying
"Why are you being so pathetic!"

She suddenly was close to me

Face to face, it was me and my so called mother...her weapon was on my throat almost to the way of cutting it.

"I've taught you EVERYTHING! To FIGHT! To CONCUR! It runs in the family hijo!!! (son)


Blood was stained on my boots...
As I saw the Pearl of the Orient Sea,
Laying on the ground. Dead.

My mother ruffled my hair as she said "Come now hijo(son), let's go"

I was dumbfounded of what I've seen

As I was screamed back to Reality behind me I saw my mother's soldiers
Carrying The Maharlikan's, Lia🇵🇭 and Martial Law 🇸🇽 to the dungeon

"Spain!!! Tulongan mo kamiiii maawa Ka saamin!!!" (Spain!!! Help us Please!!!)

Martial screamed out

I tried going to them and ordering the guards

But my mom held me back and shook her head...I had no choice to obey and watch

On the right side of me I saw more guard coming to restrain Goyo... The eldest among the siblings

"Aaahhh! Bitawan niyo akoo!"
(Aaahhh! Let me go!) The eldest said

"Spain!!!" I look to see Lia squirming to be let go by the guard

"I thought we were friends!!!"

"We...We are Hermosa-

"Shut it Spain" my mouth then suddenly stop by my mothers commandments

I held back tears as I removed my mother's hands on my shoulder and ran back to the house

I sat on the stairs bot going up to the living room for my brother is their

"¿Qué pasa hermano?"
(What's wrong brother?)

Mexico sat next beside me...

"I'm just so tired of everything!"

I burried my self to my arms as Mexico notice I was tearing up

He fix my hair and look at me face to face and hold our fingers to a pinky promise

"Hermano, I know your pain, I saw Filipino citizens being killed on the streets, I can't do anything to prevent it"

he frowned but then smiled at me

"Lets endure the pain together ok! It'll all be over soon!" He said small tears flowing out

I nod my head but then I ask

"When was the last time mom even loved us, hermano?"

I look up at him
He was shocked for what I had to say


He tried to respond

Don't know"


"When was the last time you even loved me and my brother Mehico!!!" I clang her sword away

My mother's eyes widened

"I'm sorry mamí"

She falls to the ground as a different color of blood was spreading out of her

I held the knife so hard as I spoke

"We've endured to much"
As everything fade back to the ballroom I saw Lia behind me...

I ran back to her as she screamed

I was confused why?

I untied her and remove the cloth from her mouth

She look at me at horror

I saw my reflection at the blade of my knife dripping with blood

She held my face trying to see if it was just a joke

"Oh no" she said

"It really do runs in the family"



The soldiers and FBI shot them with electric lasers falling them to the ground

As the guards tried to knock down the suddenly made wall that was blocking the entrance to the ballroom

The organizationhuman FBI ask us

"Is everyone alright?" We nodded but China shook his head as he pointed to the bullet ok his arm

The wall was finally knock down

Their we can see...

Martial Law's sister Lia(Philippines) and ...


I grab the gun away from NK and said


"No! Wait! This is Spain!!!"

"What the world?!" NK said in disbelief

Martial Law walks to Spain and looks at his face as did Germany

Germany then spoken

"The UC woman was right...

The past will come back"

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