Chapter 2

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I don't hate anyone. No, I really don't since I dislike holding grudges.

But people who wake me up when I am in the middle of a good dream better watch their backs.

They better.

I scowled up at Jox and swatted his hands away as soon as I opened my eyes. 

"You better watch out." I warned him.

Jox only chuckled. "Scowl more and we'll see who looks older."

I glared at him. "I hope your wheels roll over a bunch of sharp nails."

Rubbing my eyes, I took a look around my cell. I didn't fail to notice a tall and muscular man dressed in everything that screams rich behind Jox. Tattoos poke out of his collars and down his sleeves. His hair was professionally gelled back, making him all business-like.

What on earth is a rich dude like him doing in a holding cell in the middle of a small city?

"Who's that Bill Gates over there?" I asked the cop, gesturing behind him, with a yawn.

I really need to catch up on my sleep.

Running homeless when I have a home is not healthy for me.

"Lilah, there's something we have to talk about." Jox said, getting all serious.

For a moment, I stared at him dumbfounded. Then I burst out laughing.

"Oh boy. If this is the talk about birds and bees," I sighed dramatically. "It's too late, Joxy. I'm too old for that now."

His eyes widened and his cheeks flamed in pink. Behind him, the rich man looked as he was doing his best to hold in his laughter.

"Jokes aside, idiot. This is your brother."

"HAHA." I laughed sarcastically. "I think I'll settle for the birds and bees talk."

This time, he didn't smile.

My laugh died down. "Shit. You're serious?"

He nodded. "We found your family, kid."

Bill gates dude nodded at me.

I gaped. "How?"

"Blood test."

"I didn't give you permission to use my blood." I scowled.

"Yeah you did." He frowned. "It was a few weeks ago."

"I was just fooling around!" I denied. "I didn't think you'd actually go find my biological family."

"Well, I did." the cop said proudly.

I pouted. "But I don't want to go." I turned to the Bill Gates dude. "You should leave."

Jox stepped closer to me and whispered so slowly I almost missed it. "Give it a chance, Delilah. Besides, if it doesn't work out, at least you get to enjoy the classy type of life."

He stepped back, his words making a small grin forming on my face.

"It is on your bucket list, is it not?"

I bit back a smile.

"Oh it is."

"Besides, you can move out in a year when you're eighteen." he summarized.

"Fine. Where are we heading to?"

"Italy." both men replied.


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