Culture Shock - Part 2

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Panel One: Cal is in bed, laying on his  side

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Panel One: Cal is in bed, laying on his side. His eyes are tightly closed and he's moving around. SFX: "Rustle" "Shift" A soft light comes from the lower right corner. It is still night.

Panel Two: Cal sits up in bed and stretches his arms above his head. "Ugh," he thinks to himself, "This bed is so hard."

Panel Three: High angle shot of Cal from the side, standing beside DJ's messy desk, complete with multiple coffee rings. Cal has a cup in his hand. DJ's bed is empty, and in disarray. Cal looks over the empty half of the room and thinks, "Hm. Must be out getting a refill."

Panel Four: Cal leans over DJ's desk and attempts to clean up the coffee rings with a small washcloth. SFX: "Rub Rub"

Panel Five: A closeup of the smeared coffee rings and Cal's hand with the now-soiled washcloth. There's a grubby black word balloon with white text that reads: "-STAIN-" Cal sighs and says aloud, "I gotta get him a coaster."

Panel Six: Cal is back in bed, laying on his side with his back to the light as before. "Oh, well..." he thinks to himself, as he gets comfortable. SFX: "~Cozy~" "~Snuggle~"

Panel One: Cal wakes up suddenly, gasping

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Panel One: Cal wakes up suddenly, gasping. One of his hands is clutching at his pillow.

Panel Two: Cal covers his face with his hands and groans. "Hnngg..."

Panel Three: Cal sits up and looks over towards DJ's empty bed. "How much coffee can he drink?" he thinks. From the lighting, we can tell that the small lamp on DJ's desk is still on.

Panel Four: Cal is in their bathroom. He's in front of the sink, leaning on the edge of the counter and staring forward into the mirror mounted above the sink. He has a blank expression. Water drips from his face and the faucet. SFX: -DRIP- -DRIP-

Panel Five: Cal has left the bathroom and is looking at DJ's desk. His hand rests on the handle to the bathroom door. He thinks, "It's 2 in the morning!"

Panel Six: Cal pauses as he starts to climb back into bed. He's looking over his shoulder at DJ's bed, the pillows and blankets still in disarray, untouched from earlier in the night. He thinks, "There's no way this is good for him."

[Comic] Plague Rat, Chapter 02: Culture ShockWhere stories live. Discover now