[64] the morning of.

Start from the beginning

"diego, the-" the sentence was pleasantly interrupted when he went even harder. you didn't think it was even possible for him to be this rough yet so gentle.

"ig-ignore it." his stuttering was no doubt due to his focus on you. he wanted to make you feel good. maybe it'd increase the chances of you saying yes tonight.

you felt close, and it was so obvious. your back was so arched, you thought you'd break your spine. it was all worth it in the end as you came undone on diego. the feeling of releasing was heaven sent and something you hadn't felt in a long time.

it took him a few minutes to catch up. his paced slowed down and got lazier. his pounding became unsteady and sloppy. beads of sweat already formed on his forehead and it slowly dripped down his forehead. the only thought in your head was, "is he going to pull out?"

knowing diego, he wasn't.

you felt his cum fill you up, some leaking out of you. you watched as he slowly pumped his cock in and out of you. even pushing some his cum back into you.

"breeding kink?" you whispered.

he glances up at you. he looks away and then quietly says, "possibly, let's get cleaned up before junior wakes up."

he went to the restroom to take a shower. meanwhile, you look who called you. it was a miscall from your brother. you dialed him back.

"hey what's up?" you propped your phone up with your shoulder. both hands were busy cleaning up.

"my wife and i are gonna come a little later. make sure you tell diego that. he isn't picking up his phone."

"okay i'll let him know that. is there anything else you need?"

"i need to talk to diego privately but that's about it." he had his strict military voice on.

"oh really? what for?" now you were really interested.

"nothingggg i was just joking damn. you can never take a joke." he hangs up. how rude

junior starts crying from his room. your job as a mother has come. he needed a diaper change, a bath and to be fed. all that to at least have a decently good day.

by the time the clock hits 12 pm, everyone diego had hired arrived. you had already put on a decently over the top dress. all there was left to do was to wait for anna to do hair and makeup.

"anna said she'd be here around 12:30, what can i do to pass time?" you spoke out loud. everyone were doing what you would've done in a regular party.

you couldn't cook because the catering team. you couldn't set up tables or hang up streamers because of the decor team. you couldn't coordinate anything because of the event planners. and worst of all, you couldn't be a mother because junior was asleep.

there you were, sitting alone on the couch you picked that diego bought. it was pretty big, and it made you feel even more lonely. you looked out the window and watched diego talk to anyone he came across with.

what was the big deal? it was only supposed to be a small get together. yet he had planned so many things to do, hell there was a mechanical bull being set up outside.

once diego finished talking to everybody you pulled him aside. you made sure to took him in a secluded area.

"diego, you said it was a small get together." your eyes were filled with worry. you didn't want so many people at the house, not after the whole team got drunk and trashed the back yard.

"it is" he smiled at you. a big stupid toothy grin.

"then why are there so many tables being set up outside? i overheard the event coordinator talking about a live band."

"oh right, i hired live music to play. just enjoy yourself. anna should be doing your makeup anytime-" the door bell rings and so does your phone. "speak of the devil!"

"she's here," you gave him a small peck on the lips, "take care of junior while i'm getting ready love."

"yes ma'am!" you look over your shoulder and see him run up the stairs. a chuckle escapes your lips when you realized how enthusiastic he is on taking care of your son.

you swung the front door open which startles her. "hey anna! i see you've got all the stuff. let's go upstairs to my vanity and get this done!"

"god your house is so cool! did you guys hire an interior designer?"

"thank you and no. i chose out most of the pieces and diego paid of course." god that sentence sounded so snarky. "but um, i did make sure he liked the pieces i chose."

walking up the glass stairs, anna kept admiring the home. you had grown used to the big house so it wasn't anything new to you.

after an hour and a half, your hair and makeup were done. it took anna a lot of convincing to go for something basic. she just kept on insisting on outshining everyone.

"i just don't see why you couldn't have a nice main character moment! the dramatic makeup would've been perfect."

"trust me anna, my life is almost like i am the main character. the shit i've been through is like a story a teenager wrote when she was bored."

you continued, "i mean how many people do you know that suddenly has a baby with a famous footballer. that's some crazy luck!"

the both of you laugh at the small conversation about your situation with diego. being so distracted you didn't notice diego walking in.

"wow y/n you look so beautiful."

anna catches this as a moment to escape. it was obvious that diego was going to say something sentimental. it would be better if he said it when it was just the two of you.

"you know y/n, you're the most gorgeous girl in the world. i love you so much."

your face felt so warm. you didn't know what to say back to him. thank him? no. compliment him back? no. instead you said this.

"looks like this morning sex has you all poetic." you awkwardly laugh and walked towards the door. but before you fully left the room you turned back and whispered to him, "i love you too diego."

he watches you as you awkwardly walk away from what just happened. if she's awkward now, imagine how she'll be when i propose. he smiles to himself knowing it was happening and you still had no clue.

DIEGO LAINEZ|| midnight shift.Where stories live. Discover now