[53] cervezas.

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not proofread.

time passed by faster than you expected. you were lucky enough to even finish the chocoflan and quickly hide it from diego before he arrived. your hands worked quickly covering the flan with saran wrap. you then shove the plate in the very back of the fridge.

"i'm home loveeee, the team will be here in about an hour." diego walks in carrying two boxes of cervezas. kevin also followed up right behind him with grocery bags occupying his hands.

"hey y/n!!" kevin smiles at you and quickly drops the bags on the table. he goes over and gives you a hug. "it's so nice to hear you and diego are seeing each other again!!"

"well technically we've been seeing each other for the  past four months or so!"

"what?? no way you guys kept it a secret for this long?"

diego then butts in the conversation, "yeah and we plan to tell the team today. we're going to wait a little while before we start showing it to the public."

"so a whole ass party with a lot of good and drinks just to say you're seeing each other? seems a little much dont you think?" you kinda agreed with kevin on that. it did seem a bit extra but it was also a good time to catch up with everyone.

"well i wanted to share some other good news but y/n said we should wait a while."

kevin eyes you suspiciously. he looks at your stomach then at you. you didn't look pregnant but his immediate thought was that you were.

"so what was the other good news? y/n doesn't look pregnant and i haven't heard news about european teams looking for another player."

diego looks at you for a response. he didn't want to share the news if you weren't comfortable with it. you noticed the way he looked at you and decided to tell kevin.

"actually kevin, you can't tell anyone but," you looked at diego and back at kevin. "i'm actually pregnant! i'm four months in and i'm surprised it hasn't shown yet"

kevin's eyes widen more than any person could. he was left speechless with his jaw hanging open. "no way, NO WAY!!" he hugs you and manages to squeeze diego into the hug.

"that means diego can't pull out?? you don't understand the amount of times i've passed diego's hotel when you guys were together and all i heard was.." he breaks off the hugs then gives the both of you a disgusted face. "yeah what i heard was something i never want to hear ever again. but congratulations!"

you laughed awkwardly and thanked kevin. "but please remember not to say anything. i don't plan to tell anyone until the bump starts to show."

before kevin can assure you of keeping your secret, the doorbell rings.

"i'll get it, kevin can you start the grill outside?"

diego rushes to the front door and peeps out the door to see who it was. there he saw the tall goalkeeper of his team and his entire family. he opens the door fully and greets them inside.

"memo!! and his lovely family, please come inside." ochoa's daughter rushes inside and gives diego a hug. diego hugs her back and shows her inside.

memo then leans into diego's ear, " seems like my little girl still has a little crush on you" they both laugh and walk to diego's large backyard.

the family walks outside and spots a familiar face setting up the tables. "well i'll be damned, is that miss y/n? since when were you guys on good terms?"

"who's miss y/n?" memo's daughter asked diego. she seemed to be a little bit upset.

"uh y/n she's my, well she's my girlfriend of four months."

"GIRLFRIEND????" the entire family shouts at diego at the same time.

"since when did you guys make up??"

"four months ago" you answered memo's question. "you can have a seat here, i'll bring out cups and napkins." you gestured a table that was already set up.

after you left, ochoa's wife pulls diego aside, away from everyone. "diego, is your girlfriend.." she then does a curve over her own belly, signaling that y/n was pregnant.

"please don't tell anyone it's a secret. we didn't even think it was that noticeable!" he spoke in a hushed and frantic voice. she agrees to keep it a secret and sits back down.

"what was that about?" memo asked his wife as she sat down. "whatd you say to him?"

"oh nothing just about young love and stuff. i'm surprised he managed to get her back." she says to distract her husband from the possibility of him knowing.

sooner or later the entire team and their families are already sat down and eating. the two boxes of cervezas clearly weren't enough and there was about two bottles left in the box.

"someone needs to go out and get some more drinks!! who's the most sober??" one of the members slurred, clearly intoxicated. everyone eventually agrees to send ochoa to get more drinks.

"whattttt there's only two bottles left?? who should have the last two until more is to come?" everyone jokingly argues why they should get the drink. the drunkest obviously putting the best act of convincing them to let them drink it.

"you knowww, y/n hasn't had a lick of alcohol!! we should let her have the last two until memo brings more." everyone cheers in agreement.

"oh no i don't drink!!" you freak out because everyone knows you're fond of drinking. but what other excuse could you give??

"boooo just chug these two and get on with the night!! we're making you a generous offer you knoww"

you tried to walk away but one of them shoved the opened drink to you. you desperately looked over at diego for help. instead you see him struggling to even walk over to you. he was too drunk to even say anything to them.

"men men, please let the lady stay sober. if she doesn't want to drink she doesn't have too."

your heart explodes once you realized ochoa's wife came to the rescue. sure she was a bit out of it, but you could only thank her for saving you.

"that's so lammeeee. jeez y/n are you pregnant with diego's kid or what." everyone laughs and you awkwardly laughed with them.

not even a minute passes by and memo's youngest kid inspects y/n very closely. one good long look, and anyone could tell she was either bloated or pregnant.

"MOMMY Y/N IS PREGNANT LOOK AT HER BELLY!! SHE HAS A BABY IN HER BELLY MOMMY LOOK!!" the kid runs up to you and starts pointing at your stomach.

the entire team has their eyes on you and inspects your belly. it didn't take long before they started agreeing with the kid.

"HOLY SHIT THE KID'S RIGHT!! YOURE PREGNANT? DIEGO YOU GOT YOUR GIRL PREGNANT??" the boys start hyping diego up even though he was completely out of touch.

you felt happy in the moment but it was definitely not the way you wanted to tell them. you awkwardly watched the boys lift a highly intoxicated diego into the air and catch him.

meanwhile, the wives or girlfriends congratulated you on the pregnancy. "oh my god i couldn't even tell you were pregnant! how far along are you?"

"oh about four months!!" you politely answered.

"y/n i'm so sorry my kids have no filter whatsoever. i'm sure this wasn't the way you wanted everyone to find out."

"it's okay miss, it was bound to get out eventually!" you smiled at her and her kids. the little girl of memo's was visibly upset that her future boyfriend was taken away.

"what the hell have i come back to? why is everyone around diego?"

"daddyyyy, diego and y/n are having a babyyy. it's not fair daddy i want to marry diegooo." the young girl whined to him.

"pregnant? you're pregnant?" you nodded and smiled to him. he hugs you and congratulates you on the wonderful news.

"wow this is a dream come true for diego!!"

memo then goes on to explain to his wife how diego has always wanted kids. you sat down and watched everyone party in celebration of the pregnancy.

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