Chapter 3 - The Imitator: Reborn!

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(I don't own the art shown here, nor do any videos, music and gifs shown in here as well. RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum. May his soul be in a better place, away from the inanity that befell his creation from his passing...)

Beacon Academy, Combat Arena...

Shortly after Jaune's battle against Alister...

Third Person POV

"Who's next..?"

Were the words that echoed throughout Glynda's Combat Class, as the Combat Instructor herself alongside the swath of students under her supervision were staring at the person responsible for saying those words out loud;


The former Arc.

The titular Faker of Beacon Academy.

Now turned into what can be best described as a walking ordnance.

Why is this?

This was in part of the fact that Jaune not only managed to recover from a week's worth of recovery in Beacon's ICU Wing inside the Academy's Infirmary due to Yang Xiao-Long putting the former blonde nearly on the verge of death; but it was on the fact that said former blonde managed to pull the impossible - by beating over the very man that commandeered his leadership position in the team formerly known as Team JNPR to what can only be described as "brutal submission" using powers that majority of the students in the Combat Class that Glynda supervised saw as the former Arc's "Semblance"; which summoned a yo-yo of all things to do the job...

And he did all of this against the Arc boy... armed with a yo-yo, no less.

The blonde and black-haired boy stood over Alister, towering over his fallen and beaten body as his leg pinned him down whilst he eyed the students in the stands alongside an occasional shift in glance towards Glynda; wanting to see if she had anyone else in store to try and make his life hell.

When no one made a response, he shifted his attention to the wriggling Alister beneath the sole of his shoe - trying his hardest to get the former Arc off of him, to no avail.

"So, Alister..."

Jaune started speaking to the prick in a smug tone as he knelt down to apply more weight into his leg, making Alister grunt audibly as a result of the added pressure - with Glynda scowling at the sight of Jaune's display of cruelty.

"Whadja learn?~"

That question earned Jaune a torrent of swears from the downed Alister below his feet, who persisted in getting back up on his feet - despite being pinned down by the much stronger former Arc.

"Kid's got quite a mouth on him, doesn't he?" Reddo asked Jaune in a deadpanned tone within his psyche.

'Yeah, he does.' The ex-Arc mentally replied in similar fashion towards Reddo. 'That, and he's a broken record as well when he talks about me - "disgrace this, faker that"... like seriously, get better material.'

Reddo snorted at the mental roasting this man had committed to Alister without the idiot's knowledge, who still insisted on trying to get back up despite the pain he felt coursing his body...

Only for Jaune to lift his leg up and forcefully stomp down on Alister's back, causing the boy to retch blood in response.

Though Jaune could swear that he felt the bones on Alister's back fracture a bit from the force he doled out... which was quite satisfying to think about, if it did happen.

"Sit down, dumb fuck~!" Jaune said in mirth after the act. "You do NOT wanna get up!~"

Crossing his arms whilst grinding his sole on Alister's back, further causing pain to the already downed idiot.

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