Chapter 4 - Cafeteria Clash!

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(I don't own the art shown here, nor do any videos, music and gifs shown in here as well. RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum. May his soul be in a better place, away from the inanity that befell his creation from his passing...)

Beacon Academy, Headmaster Ozpin's Office...

Moments after Jaune's battle against Alister...

Third Person POV

Headmaster Ozpin was seen in his office, sipping his frothy brew of cocoa-laced caffeine as he watched what was currently unfolding in the screen on his desk: the sight of the former Arc, Jaune (D'Arc), wiping the floor with not only the brat that was responsible for the ordeal that turned Team JNPR into Team ARPN...

...but he also defeated the four members of Team RWBY, in the order of their team name - in a one on one battle in Glynda's Combat Class.

Truth be told, he was at first concerned when he realized that Jaune was bereft of a weapon to attend Glynda's classes - but his concern had curiosity laced in it when the black and blonde haired ex-Arc told him not to worry, as he directly said that he quote-un-quote "had it all covered" and that the Headmaster should "enjoy the show"; showing clear-cut signs of self-confidence in himself when the former Arc boy spoke.

'When you told me to not worry, Mr. Jaune... I didn't expect this out of the blue - in the span of a week's time spent in recovery from near-death, no less!'

He mentally exclaimed to himself as he watched the boy not only arrive in a more fashionable set of attire, but he also began displaying abilities that had the Headmaster's eyes pop wide open... the first thing he saw was the boy making what appeared to be a black yo-yo that could not only deal enough damage to chunk a Huntsman-in-Training's Aura easily, but also deal so much collateral damage that the power output alone shattered Alister's Aura and overpowered the regenerative abilities of his own Semblance!

In the midst of that battle with Jaune against Alister, Ozpin noted that the ex-Arc held himself with a more solidified stance as he used a children's toy with the skill and finesse of a fighter who has perfected his craft - as no matter what Alister did, he never was able to shift the advantage to his side the whole time...

...and what shocked Ozpin more than this sight was the fact that Jaune's Aura did not even deplete when he summoned his yo-yo - let alone unleash such destructive display of power in the Arena grounds to dispatch the Arc Clan's representative that was meant to replace the disowned blonde from his own team.

Ozpin wondered if Jaune unlocked his Semblance from the near-death experience he had against Yang - or if it was something else entirely... in which Ozpin's thoughts on the matter shifted towards the latter, as he later saw Jaune in the holographic screen dispel his yo-yo and summon a scythe with two edges against the silver-eyed leader of Team RWBY; Ruby Rose.

The red reaper chose to directly intervene when Jaune was using the beaten Arc representative as a personal floormat - going as far as to break his shield arm and crush said shield into splinters in the process, which only served to make Alister's situation worse as the shield was once in Jaune's possession alongside the sword that came with it: Crocea Mors.

Seeing Jaune callously destroy the shield he once used that belonged to the family he was once a part of in order to break Alister's arm was enough of a reminder for Ozpin, to show the Headmaster and anyone else who knew Jaune just how much disdain and malice he had over the Arc prick.

When the match between Jaune and Ruby went underway, Headmaster Ozpin nods in approval over the ex-Arc's skills in utilizing combat tactics - as he completely had control over the whole fight; even surprising the Headmaster when he saw Jaune use some basic Aura techniques to unleash an Aura Slash that not only dealt solid damage to Ruby in the first instance it was used, but it was shown once more after Jaune stylishly finished the fight quickly and efficiently by not only ringing Ruby out with his weapon - but he did it through an Aura Slash to shatter her Aura as well.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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