Chapter 2 - ...In With The New

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(I don't own the art shown here, nor do any videos, music and gifs shown in here as well. RWBY belongs to the late Monty Oum. May his soul be in a better place, away from the inanity that befell his creation from his passing...)

Beacon Academy Infirmary, ICU Wing...

One Week After the Merge...

Third Person POV

A pair of blue eyes were seen coming to consciousness, as it reveals that the eyes belong to one Jaune, formerly Arc.

A week has passed since the day he was put in the Academy's ICU Wing in Beacon's Infirmary, and his body has recovered quite well - considering there was no scarred tissue nor remaining traces of healing injuries on the boy's body.

Shaking his head to regain his bearings, Jaune took a glance around the area - noting that the nurse scheduled to be in his room was nowhere to be seen... most likely tending to other patients in the Infirmary.

Shifting himself to a sitting position, Jaune took a glance of the IV line still hooked up to his arm, connected to the IV Bag that pumped him with the stuff to keep his body nourished during his involuntary stay in the Infirmary.

With a huff, Jaune grabbed hold of the line and steadily removed the IV needle from his arm; sending a wave of memories to surface from his mind...

Ever since his fateful meeting with The Imitator and Ad'mi during his one week's worth of rest, the former Arc and the black-clad warrior took time to get acquainted with each other - in terms of likes, dislikes, good times, bad times, etc.

The duration of the time it took for the Merge to complete itself was not time-consuming for the two boys; given that they appreciate each other's company - with The Imitator even providing some pointers on trying to solidify Jaune's own style when he needs to fight without the need to Imitate someone in the future.

Wanting to test something out for himself, now that he has awoken from the near-death experience, he decided to try and mentally call out to his newfound companion;

'Hello? The Imitator, are you there?'

He mentally said, hearing that familiar voice in his head respond to his mental call;

"Yeah, I'm here Jaune." The Imitator said stoically within Jaune's psyche. "It seems like the Merge has truly finalized itself."

'Yeah. Feels a bit surreal, that's for sure...' Jaune replied back mentally. 'Honestly, before we get on track with what needs to be done today - we first need to give you a proper name for yourself other than "The Imitator"... if not, well it's gonna be difficult to keep addressing you by something that's meant to be a title and not a name.'

As much as The Imitator wanted to protest, Jaune had a point.

And now that he and the Hunter-in-Training are going to be living their new life together moving forward; the first thing in order is to establish a new name for The Imitator to identify himself as.

Both boys took time to think on a suitable name to give towards The Imitator, considering that the black-clad warrior is going to be in the front-row seat of their wild ride moving forward in Remnant.

"Hm... How about "Mimic"?" The Imitator suggested after a moment of thought. "Works well with my powers, don't you think?" He added, causing Jaune to shake his head slightly from the notion.

'Close, though I feel like it's a bit "on-the-nose" for someone like you...' Jaune mentally told him of his own honest opinion. 'That, and I can't help but feel like having you be called "Mimic" is just inviting a heap of trouble our way...'

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