"hurricane agatha"

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I was having a good day, I was hanging out with my friends, we played volleyball. Then as we were sitting in "The Wreck" a restaurant. Then the tv in the corner of the room said "Hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina." and then it showed a video.
The Hurricane was coming.

It was night now. I was in my bed trying to fall asleep, it was so loud. The hurricane was blaring outside, which made it VERY hard to sleep.

But I had finally fell asleep, after a very long night of tossing and turning. It was now morning. The lights were out, we had no power. I went downstairs. Only my mom was in the kitchen. "Good morning, sleepy head" my Mom said.
"Morning" I yawned "What's for breakfast?" I asked
"Fruit and pancakes" she said
"Yum" I got a plate and sat down "Crazy storm last night"
"For sure" my mom said. I ate my breakfast and then went to sit on the couch, I turned on the news. It talked about the storm last night and how hard it will be to clean the island. I looked at the picture on the tv screen, and then went outside to see it for myself.
I walked outside, I saw Ward and Miss Lana walk past the pool. Miss Lana was a friend of Wards.
"Dad, the Wi-Fis not working I can't post anything!" Weezie complained.
"Weezie, there was a hurricane sweetheart." Ward replied.
"No. No, no no!" Sarah screamed from the other side of the yard.
"What's she doing?" I asked Weezie.
"Saving mice" Weezie replied
"Sarah?" Ward shouted
"I'm busy" Sarah shouted back
"What are you doing?" I walked up and asked, Ward and Miss Lana following, wondering the same thing.
"The burrow's filled with water, from the surge." Sarah said smacking the air with a tennis racket to scare off the birds. "The birds are having a field day." She said running around still smacking the air.
"The birds have to eat too, Sarah" Ward said.
I walked over to my hammock and sat down still watching Sarah, Ward and Miss Lana talk. I think they were talking something about Scooter Grubs, who must be her husband I think and how they haven't heard from him. I don't really know though.
There talking faded out as I layed back on the hammock, swinging letting all my thoughts fall away. I looked up at the branches and made shapes out of them. I liked using my brain to do that, then all my thoughts just fall away. I loved nature.
I got up and Ward and Miss Lana were gone but Sarah was still there. She was still fighting off the birds. I went to see what Weezie was now doing. She was in the house, I found her in her room.
I walked in. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously looking at her sitting in her window seat.
"Writing in my dairy." She said looking at me. I walked over and sat with her. "What about you?" She asked.
"I'm bored." I said
"What's Ellie doing?" Weezie asked.
"I don't know, I'll go see." I said "Bye, I'll see you later!"
"Bye" Weezie said.
So I went back outside and went to my bike. I got on it and started riding to Ellie's house. Ellie's house was about a half mile away so it wasn't far at all. She lived on the road where most of my friends live.
Soon I got to her house. I went up to the house and knocked on the door. Someone opened the door. It was her mom Elaine. She was always welcoming to me.
"Hello Anne!" She said
"Hello Mrs. Brooks. Is Ellie here?" I asked
"She is. I'll go get her, feel free to come in." She said, then went to get Ellie. I waited in there beautifully decorated living room, I am in there a lot but every time I look at it, it looks so new and pretty, it was comfortable. Then Ellie came down the stairs and walked toward me.
"Hi!" She said. Then hugged me like she hasn't seen me in forever, even though she saw me a day ago.
"Hey" I said "what have you been up to?" I asked. As we walked to her yard.
"Just trying to clean up, the hurricane made a horrible mess." She replied.
"I know, there's trash everywhere." I said frowning.
"Wanna play volleyball?" She asked.
"Sure" I replied with a smile on my face. "My house?"
So we went to my house and played volleyball, with my volleyball net, since she didn't have one. It was a fun day, other than cleaning up lots of trash everywhere.

Authors note:
Hope you like this chapter! Please vote if you think it deserves it.  Another chapter is coming soon after this one! It's kinda hard to get started on a story but once you get started it's probably easier. <3
- Signed Amara

                  851 words.

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