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Have you ever felt so sad that you think that you will never be happy again? Well I have. When I was younger we were poor. I was fine and perfectly happy, with my mom, Rose Carter and my dad, Jackson Carter. I loved them so much. Then one day changed my life, I was playing on the beach while my dad was at work and my mom was inside our house. She came outside and told me that we needed to talk. She had tears down her face. I was terrified of what she was about to say. She brought me inside and sat me down holding my hand. I still remember that moment like it was yesterday. She said to me "I have bad news sweetheart, when your father was driving home from work he crashed and the people at the hospital tried but didn't make it." She said her voice trembling. I started breaking down, my dad was my best friend.  We didn't talk for the next few minutes we just hugged. I was seven when that happened.

Since then my mom got a new boyfriend but that was about two years later. I liked her new boyfriend, his name was Ward Cameron he was sweet and really nice to me. Eventually I got to meet his kids, he had three. The oldest, Rafe he was 10. Then the middle child, Sarah she was seven. And the youngest, Weezie she was four. I liked them too.

About a year after,  Ward asked my mom to move in, which ment I got to move in. I was so excited to live with Ward and his kids. Little did I know.

About Two years after Ward asked my mom to marry him. She was then Rose Cameron. I had slowly moved on and recovered from my dad's death, but I hadn't moved on completely. Things were looking up.

That was five years ago, that we had moved in and Ward and my mom got married. Now I'm seventeen, life is great. I have a family, I have a best friend her name is Ellie Brooks. She has beautiful long black hair, and blue eyes. Our appearances are opposites, because I have short blonde hair and brown eyes, I am taller than her. But our personalities, are alike. We both like going on walks on the beach, playing volleyball and we do a lot more together.

Authors note:
Sorry I didn't write more for the first chapter, more coming soon though!

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Meet Me In The Middle ☘︎︎ An Outer Banks FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz