Chapter 5: Agreement

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Muskaan peeked back up at Aarav, she had turned in his direction, but she had to make sure the road she was walking down would be blocked and nothing from that road would try to pull her back. She needed to face that dark, daunting road one more time to finally build the brick wall and trap the demons of that road before they get too close and pulled her back.

"I want to talk."

Aarav stiffened, he let her down before turning around to face Vaansh. Aarav stood close to Muskaan, so he was ready to pounce and leave with Muskaan as soon as she said. Muskaan, on the other hand, knew that after what happened that night and after what she had to go through today Vaansh stood no chance of getting back together with her.

She would hear whatever it is he had to say, give him a nod and leave. Her heart was already broken into too many pieces, broken down so many times that it was just a pile of fine powder sitting like a dead weight in her chest. It just couldn't get worse.

"Muskaan! Look, whatever you saw and whatever is happening- the engagement, it's not what I wanted."

Muskaan scrunched her eyebrows as she stared at him, nothing made sense. But she knew that it was all rubbish. The only thing he didn't want was her.

Vaansh stepped closer, grabbed Muskaan's hands and said, "Meri jaan ho tum. Mein tumhe khona nhi chahta."

(You're my love. I don't want to lose you.)

Muskaan stared at their joined hands, and it clicked. She felt cold, anxious and nauseous. But how? These were the same hands she craved to hold, the hands she would reach for just a few weeks ago. She stared at his hands and realised that this is how it always felt, but she was in her foolish daze to notice. She realised that Aarav's hands didn't feel like this. His hands were warm, soft and safe.

Vaansh kept talking to her, telling her he made a mistake, that he loved her and he would do anything to make it right. But not once did he apologise. Not even a single time. His words, her hands in his, his engagement ring against her hand, the smell of her cologne. Everything just got too much for the poor girl to handle.

Pulling her hands out of his, Muskaan turned to Aarav and that was all it took. Aarav wrapped his arm around her, guiding her to the car. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear to filter out Vaansh's voice that was still playing in the background. Vaansh watched Aarav's arm around the girl who was his just a week ago. He watched them walk away. And there was nothing he could do.

Hearing his fiance's voice, Vaansh slowly made his way back, but he kept stealing glances behind him as if Muskaan would suddenly reappear. But that wasn't happening, because whilst he was peeking back at the now empty car parking, Muskaan was laying some more bricks on the wall blocking the road she had returned from. And soon enough her wall would be fully built. And too strong for the demons she was locking away to break.

Not wanting to take her to either of their homes, knowing there will be people with questions, Aarav took her to a nearby lake. Not many people go there in the middle of a work day. Aarav parked the car before helping Muskaan out, Soon the two found themselves sitting beside each other, looking at the calm peaceful rhythm of the lake. A total contrast to their state of mind right now.

"One week. It took him one week to get engaged." Muskaan whispered, the tips of fingers gently pressed against her feather-like lips. They wobbled ever so slightly, but Muskaan pressed her fingers firmly against them. She sniffled lightly.

"No, I'm the one who found out a week ago. God knows how long he's been with her."

Aarav gazed her way, wanting to just knock some sense into her. "I feel like a fool! A complete fool! I've lied to my parents, my brother, and Bhabhi. Everyone when I would go see him. And he....he was lying to me the whole time."

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