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Friday (death day)

"Alright class your all dismissed don't forget the test we have next week" the teacher told the class enthusiastically. The students just nodded before walking out,some of them giving a certain blue haired girl insults. Marinette payed no attention to them whatsoever,today was her final day and she was just going to take the abuse for one more day. She started walking out of the school the chatter of students incoherent as she opened the door to exit the building. "This will all be over soon" the girl muttered to herself,finding a sense of peace within her decision. Tonight at 12 she would turn into ladybug and jump off the school building. Why the school building you may ask? It gave her a sense of peace knowing she would die on the building she's suffered weeks in. In a way,she thought it would just be right to go with gut on the roof of the very building. Her thoughts were all jumbled up as she walked home,every step felt like she was carrying the weight of her final day on her shoulders weighing her down. After a much needed walk she finally made it to her bakery and used the key to unlock the door and walk in before she called out "mom?! Dad! I'm home" she waited for a moment before both of her parents welcomed her home and fed her food for a bit before she headed up to her room upstairs. She was immediately greeted by all the kwamis and her very own that she had grown to adore very much,tikki. "Welcome home Marinette! Do you have food?" Tikki asked sweetly,so did the other kwamis. Mari let out a chuckle before handing them each a macaroon made by her parents. The tiny creatures munched on it happily as they ate near her computer,while they were doing that their miraculous holder rested on her bed setting a timer for 12 at night. Once that was settled,she wrapped a blanket over herself and fell asleep.

It was 12 at night and cat noir (secretly known as adrien agreste) was patrolling the city by himself. Despite his father changing his ways and his mother being awaken,he still liked to watch over Paris. One thing did concern him though,he hadn't seen his bugaboo in weeks. He'd just tell him that she was probably resting after hawkmoths (his fathers) change of ways. He was casually patrolling his school building when he suddenly saw ladybug,but she did look different. Her frame was slightly skinnier and she didn't look as healthy. He decided to hide nearby and watch what she was doing for a moment,that would be the biggest regret of his life. After a minute or so,she finally spoke while looking at the edge of the roof "tikki,spots off" his eyes widened as he watched the grip of his dreams become someone he was so blind to see,Marinette. His face showed pure shock before he hesitantly took a step forward "MARINETTE?!" She slightly jumped before turning around,her eyes widening as she saw who it was. She processed who was in front of her before she stuttered out "k-kitty? What are you doing here?" "I cam here looking for you! What are you doing?!" And that was the moment it finally clicked. Her not showing up every night,being more closed off at school,she was going to jump off the roof. Marinette must've noticed his shocked and slightly concerned face before she took a step closer to the edge. His pleas we're falling on deaf ears as she continued to walk backwards until finally,she took the final step and jumped. The last thing she was was cat noir screaming her name while using his powers to try and catch her,the only thing she heard was the sickening crack of her spine before her entire world went blank.

Goodbye,kitty Where stories live. Discover now