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Today had been a very rough day for Marinette,she was just heading to class when her "friend" alya had purposely tripped her and made her hit the floor real hard. Adrien had helped her to the nurses office and she was sent home. Currently,she was sitting on her bed with a small bruise on her forehead. Tikki was taking care of her while the others rested in their charms. The calendar was counting down the days till she would say goodbye to this cruel world she lived on. Nobody had any clue what she planned to do,and she'd rather keep it that way. What's someone supposed to do on their last day on earth? She thought to herself,wondering what to do at the moment. Throughout the day,she'd spend time with her parents since they would be one of the only ones who would care when she was gone. Her parents were more than happy to spend the day with their little girl but were a bit confused on why she wanted to so suddenly. That night,before she fell asleep Marinette knew that when she left earth,she'd carry the memory of her and her parents baking a birthday cake in their bakery under the dimly lit sky.

Goodbye,kitty Where stories live. Discover now