Charming Town Part 3

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Agent June Stahl was sitting in the row behind the counsel table when Ryder walked into the courtroom followed by Kozik and several of the other lawyers that worked with her. Recently Stahl had been assigned to a case that was looking into some of Ryder Winston's clients and history with the Sons of Anarchy and in turn she started looking into the woman that represented them. She was far more interested than the criminals her firm represented.

"Mrs. Teller." She started standing up from the bench causing the redhead to turn after she placed her briefcase down on the table. "Do I know you?" Ryder returned as her assistant Alice placed a paper cup of coffee next to the legal pads. "I am Agent June Stahl. ATF."

"What can I help you with Agent Stahl?" Her whole body was tense like it was every time that she had to deal with agents of the government, it was nothing against them per se, she was just raised to not have respect for people like that. Perks of being raised by outlaw bikers and their old ladies.

The woman just smirked as she shifted her position. "If you are here because of the Sons of Anarchy." Ryder started, "You are wasting your time, I am so far removed from club business, I couldn't even tell you the last time I was in Charming when they had church."

Kozik quickly swallowed the laughter that bubbled up causing both Ryder and Stahl to look at him. Amusement in her green eyes and icy cold indifferences in Stahl's. "What? She speaks the truth." He finally spoke once he got a hold of himself, "Jax doesn't tell her much of anything." He was making that up, of course, he didn't know how much Ryder knew about their business, it was never brought up when he was with Ryder. The one strict rule she enforced was no club business around Harley. She wanted Harley to have a different life than what she had growing up. And the Sons respected that, being on Ryder duty gave them all a piece of comfort and normalcy that they all had craved at one point or another in this life.

"Thank you, Koz," Ryder said, trying to fight back her own laughter that was bubbling up, it never failed, no matter how stressed out she was or in a bad mood she was in, Kozik would make her laugh. And sometimes she needed it. She always took herself too seriously.

"Really Agent, if you want to know anything you are better off talking to one of the other old ladies. Here I am just a lawyer and mother." Stahl looked between the blond biker and the redhead trying to gauge if they were lying or not but she couldn't do much else, Ryder's client was led into the courtroom by several cops and she turned to him, offering a smile and warm greeting to him. And the briefest of nods to the cops.

"You in trouble Ms. Teller?" Jefferson Tate asked once he was standing next to her, his eyes on the ATF agent who was still standing there. "Nothing to worry about Mr. Tate. I haven't had any sort of trouble since I was 18."

Stahl's eyebrows raised at that, they had been scouring her records along with her sister-in-law Donna's and her best friend Holly Owsald and nothing came up. Not even sealed records. "You know,' Kozik commented as he plopped himself down on the wooden bench, "You aren't going to get anything out of her or on her. She is a good girl, hardly any trouble."

There was another lie, Ryder had been in plenty of trouble but her relationship with Holly Oswald and Audrey Hale had kept them out of getting into major trouble. Stahl stared at him for several long seconds before going back to where she was sitting. Kozik shifted around to get comfortable and pulled out his phone which vibrated.

On the screen, there was a message from Ryder, asking him to reach out to Juice and see why the agent was there and asking about her. Normally she would never do anything like that but with her going back to Charming after the case closed and being back around the mother charter she needed to know what was going on and why ATF was looking into her and the club. As much as she wasn't a fan of the club and what they have done or were doing, she was going to protect them.
"Jax, we have a problem." Juice Ortiz commented seeing the VP coming back into the clubhouse, his shoulders slouched down. A normal sign of stress for him. "What now?" He questioned pausing by the bar. "Kozik messaged me, Ryder had an ATF agent at the courthouse today.' The shot glass that Half-Sack just filled up was knocked over by his forearm and anger replaced the stress. "Did she say why?" Juice shrugged. "Goddamn, it." Jax cursed as he ran a hand through his blond locks, "Get Happy on the phone, I want her and Harley here, tonight." The mohawked man nodded his head and picked up his phone.

"She is already coming down." Piney said from where he has perched a few barstools away, "She called and asked if she and Harley could stay with me. She doesn't want to go back into that house." Not that they blamed her any, that house was the first thing that she and Jax bought after she graduated law school, they brought Harley from the hospital in that house.

And it was just a distant memory and now it was full of memories with another woman. A woman that was once Ryder's good friend. Jax nodded his head, she finally agreed to come down and that was the step in the right direction and one that would hopefully lead her to staying for good. He needed her and so did Abel.

She would see that eventually.

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