Charming Town Part 2

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Ryder's statement of never being like Gemma Teller Morrow was proving to be false in the next couple of days, the fact that Jax had a son with someone she thought was her friend and the court case that she thought was a slam dunk was turning into a nightmare.

So she did what she always did, she morphed into the Princess of The Sons of Anarchy, the next Gemma in training. And Kozik wanted to point his finger in her face and say, "Not going to be that woman huh?"

But he couldn't bring himself to do it, not because she was liable to slap but because of how much hurt she was showing. The only tell he could see that she had, was her eyes. They gave away everything. She was hurting but she didn't want anyone to see it or comment on it. If they did she just went icy cold with them and shut them out.

And no one was shut out more than Jax. He called and texted every day demanding that she come home with their daughter to pick up the pieces of his life that were falling apart. Put everything back together again like she had in the past. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. That small insecure hurt teenager in her kept her from going home.

"Why don't you just listen to Jax?" Bull, the son that offered to come with Kozik asked Ryder who was standing barefooted in her living room with Harley on her hip and a stack of papers in her free hand. She turned slightly to look at him, "Because Bull, I am not just an old lady anymore."
Her tone was icy as were her green eyes, "I have a job, a very important one at that. And I just can't just jump to it and rush back to Charming."

Bull ignored the pointed looks that Kozik was throwing at him, there was one thing that he was too royal to and that was the club and they were all very loyal to the mother charter and to Jax Teller.

"Ryder, you are acting like a spoiled brat, you are the mother charter's VP's old lady. You set the example for all the other old ladies to follow.' Kozik took Harley from Ryder's arms as well as her files she had in her hand.

The iciness in her eyes turned to burning fury and things were going to get ugly in an instant. Everyone knew that both the Winston siblings kept the cool the best and when they blew get out of the way. He could count on one hand how many times in the time that he had known the Winston family that Ryder and Opie lost their shit and Harley didn't need to see that. "Bull, you don't have the right to tell me what to do." Her anger was bubbling up under the surface and she knew that she shouldn't take her anger, hurt and frustration on Bull but he was the son in front of her. "You may be a son, and I respect that but I won't allow you to order me around like this, you aren't my old man.' "Ry.' He started as he stood up causing her to take a step back, "If Jax put you up to this, then you tell him to get his ass up here and drag me back to that hell hole himself.'

Bull paused, he and Kozik had both received calls from Jax the night before ordering them to bring her home against her will.

By any means necessary. But he wasn't going to admit to that.

The princess of Samcrow looked at the clock that was sitting on the bookcase. "Koz! We got to go." She called as she went over to put on her heels that were sitting by the desk. 'I got the munchkin.' Bull changed the subject quickly.

"Thanks Bull." She said as Kozik came back into the room and set the toddler on her feet and the little girl rushed to her mom who scooped her up in her arms and kissed her cheeks. Leaving red lipstick stains behind, she didn't have as many good memories with Mary when she was little and she wanted Harley to know that feeling of love.

"Be good for Bull okay?" "Kay mama." "Come one princess, lets go see if we can find a movie to watch." Bull commented as he took the little princess from her mother's arms. "Tink!" The little girl demanded patting her hand against Bull's kutte.
Kozik glanced over at Ryder who was already deep into her notes, reading over the notes again for the thousandth time since she got this case assigned to her and then into the rear view mirror, Happy and several other sons were coming around the corner to pack up Ryder and Harley's belongings so they could leave for Charming once she was done in court. He didn't give a damn about Ryder's career or case, he wanted her back in Charming.

He glanced back at Ryder, thankful that she was so deep into her notes that she didn't hear the bikes coming into the neighborhood. She would demand that they go back and she would cause a scene that would get the police called and they didn't need that, not after the night they had dealing with Mayans. "What?" Ryder's voice asked, shaking him out of his thoughts. "Nothing kiddo, just a long night." "Hmm." She returned before looking at the notes again. Then her phone beeped and she paused to look at the screen, "God Gemma don't fucking start, its too early." She muttered before she powered off the phone.

"He's got Gemma in on it now." She went quiet for several long minutes before speaking, "I know I should go, I know its my duty to be with him and with Abel. And that Harley needs to be with her father. But this hurt, isn't letting me go. How can I take care of a baby that he got from someone that I thought was my friend? How can I go back to Charming and put my daughter in this lifestyle where her dad could be thrown in jail or killed by a rival club?"

"Because Ry, you love him.' Kozik commented as he turned her cage into the court parking lot, "Because you are a strong woman, and you lived this life your whole life. And because you love Jax. And always have." Ryder sighed and ran her hand through her hair before muttering a curse word, "Okay, after this is finished, we will go down." Kozik patted her shoulder they all knew that she would agree eventually, and now they didn't have to force her to return home.

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