Chapter Thirteen

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"Theyre fucking late." Thomas paced in the mud about my family. They weren't late, they were just his version of late. They weren't thirty minutes early as he was expecting.

"Oh my fucking god, Tom. The Lee's aren't even here." I retorted against him. He glared at me, but ignored me. The Lee's were in fact not here, but we could hear their horses.

John nudged my shoulder, then motioned for me to turn around. Once I did, I saw the family of six coming our way. Henry had a cigar in his mouth while dressed in his finest suit. My mother even had the decency to put a flower on it.

"Thank you. Tommy was about to lose his mind." I told Henry as I fixed his suit and straightened out his hair. He could have at least greased it back. He looks like a pirate.

My little sister walked up to me as my family took their stance somewhere else. They didn't expect me to sit with them, so I wouldn't.

"Why don't you go sit with momma, Prim?" I asked her. She shook her head. I've only known this girl's name for twelve hours and she already likes me better than my mother.

"She's being mean." She told me. I kneeled down to her level and made eye contact with her. "I'm scared."

"Do you want to stay with me?" I asked with a smile. My voice was higher pitched also. It's just what you do when you talk to five year olds. She nodded in response.

"It's pretty muddy here, wanna get on my shoulders? Maybe watch Uncle Henry get married?" I asked. She smiled in response. I crouched down, letting her get on my shoulders. Once she was, I got up and walked over to the Shelby's.

"Didn't know you had a kid," John commented as he bit the top off a toothpick. What an idiot.

"It's my sister." I looked over at him. "Prim, this is John."

"Hi John," she said shyly. John looked at her, then smiled a bit.

"Jesus. You're not even gonna say hi?" I told John as the Lee's were getting ready.

"I waved." He retorted. I rolled my eyes.

Henry was kneeling with Esme before the preacher. Esme was actually a really pretty woman. Her hair was dark and curly, and she was about the right size of woman for him. She also had a beautiful smile I was jealous of.

After about five minutes of silence, I looked up to the top of one of the buildings. There was a man with a rifle on top. It looked like one of Giovanni's men. Antonio must have noticed it too, seeing as though he was quietly making his way over to me.

"Yeah I see it," I told him as he stood beside me.

"Arthur and I are going to take care of it. Tommy wants questioning." He told me. I nodded.

He left as Esme and Henry kissed, throwing rice up into the air. Tommy and I made contact, nodding at each other from a long ways away. Before we knew it, the man with the rifle was tackled to the ground and shut up.


"Easy!" I pushed Tommy back from the man in the chair. The man's hands and feet were bound. He looked like me when I had first met the Shelby's.

I took the gag out of the man's mouth, letting it fall to his neck. I then took all his weapons out of his coat, giving them to Andy.

"Luis Giovanni." Andy laughed. "Why don't we just kill him now?"

"He's Actually right, Toni." Arthur retorted to which I rolled my eyes at.

I hit the man upside the head, making him look at me. He had longer, curly hair and a square face. You couldn't really tell he was French.

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