Chapter Two

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Oh shit.

Here we go again.

I opened my eyes and lazily looked at the room around me. I also looked at the Shelby boys all around me. I also noticed that my hands were bound behind the chair I was sitting in. What a delight.

"Cosa sto facendo qui?" I asked what I was doing here in Italian. Thomas groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Can you speak English?" He bent down to my level, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Je parle anglais?" I answered him in French. John's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me. I smiled.

"She was just speaking German a second ago?" He pointed out. I smiled, keeping my laughter in as I looked back to Thomas.

"Ich verstehe euch Idioten," I told them in German. Their reaction was priceless. Arthur groaned, John snickered and Thomas stood on his heels and crossed his arms.

"If you do not speak the right fucking language, we're not letting you go." Arthur stepped in. The older brother was honestly a dumbass if you ask me.

"She looks Italian, Tom." Arthur looked at me closer. I rolled my eyes. How could he be so stupid.

"I'm Australian, you cunt." I told him. Thomas exhaled and looked up to the sky, most likely praying. I mean, I would pray if I was that short too.

"So you do speak fucking English." John snickered as he leaned against the wall. I smiled.

"What do you want?" I asked, now starting to pick the handcuffs. I always kept spare Bobby pins on the hem of my long sleeve shirt in case of this. It always paid off.

"We want information about your boss, Mr. Kimber." Thomas took out a cigarette and started to smoke it. I scoffed a laugh. They really thought I worked for that piece of shit?

"Okay. Before we start yelling and screaming at eachother, there's a gun on my thigh and it's starting to slip. I don't know if the safety is on or off, so if I could just fix it, it'd be nice." I told him as I felt the gun moving slightly. Kimber always got the dumbest and heaviest guns.

John Shelby stepped forward and pulled my skirt up just until he saw the tip of the gun. He pulled it out of its holster and laid it on the table across from me. I looked at him, waiting for him to pull my skirt back down. I had to clear my throat for him to finally realize when he was doing wrong.

"Mhk, what did you want?" I was almost done picking the lock when Thomas stepped forward and looked me in the eye. He was squinting, trying to remember my face from somewhere.

"What's your name?" Arthur asked me. I scoffed again.

"You a bounty hunter?" I asked. Arthur looked at his younger brothers in confusion.

"We are the Peaky Blinders girl, have some respect." John stepped out from his position on the wall and looked at me. What an asshole.

"The Peaky Who?" I pressed on with a fake serious face.

"Blinders." Arthur replied.

"Bitches. Peaky Bitches..." I smiled as they all got upset. I was purposely trying to piss them off so I would have some time to think of a plan. Yes I knew how cold the Blinders could be, but who cares.

"Enough!" Thomas shouted at the three of us. We all looked at him and stayed quiet. He's quite the sassy boy.

I scanned over the room to make a plan in my head. John was standing right in front of the exiting door. I would break the handcuffs when Thomas got in my face, move John out of the way and run until I got into the car and drove away. Great plan.

"I don't know anything about Kimber other than his wealth. I don't work for him." I said seriously. Thomas then lit another cigarette and exhaled the smoke.

"Give my brother back his time piece." He said. I raised an eyebrow.

"How The fuck do you expect me to do that, Thomas?" I asked, restraining my wrists against the cuffs. "Why don't you tell him to take his wallet out of my pocket too?"

John immediately checked his pocket for his timepiece and wallet, just to find that they weren't there. I cocked my head to the side, smiling at him. He was such a cute little boy who was fucking clueless.

"It's in my right pocket." I told him. Annoyed, he grabbed his things out of my pocket and replaced it back in his. He wasn't so happy now. He was embarrassed he got pick-pocketed by a fucking nobody.

Thomas was pissed, Arthur was confused, and John was unreadable. They weren't pleased with my actions. I don't even know how they knew I got his shit.

"Alright. Fine. Kimber is planning to shoot you in about two weeks or so if you don't give him part of your races. I heard him and his boys talking about it." I gave in to the men, giving them information.

"You're not a spy, are you?" Arthur asked. Thomas looked at his brother, giving him a look that said: are you a fucking dumbass?

"I don't work for Kimber. I was a spy for Kimber though." I said, looking up at the Shelby's.

"Who do you work for?" Thomas asked. I scoffed once again.

"You are one entitled bitch, Thomas." I looked over at him, making him even more infuriated. He strutted over to me, bending down to get to my level.

"You tell us who you're working for, or we will give you up to Billy Kimber." He said. The handcuffs were off.

"Yeah?" I bit my lip, making him get closer to my face. He put a hand on my jaw, gripping it exceptionally tight. He was scared I knew shit about the Blinders so his only option was threatening with violence. "Harder"

My statement threw him off guard, making the handcuffs go around his wrist and to the chair. I gave him a little hit to the nose to make him stay. Arthur and John had just now caught onto what was happening, so I swept Arthur's legs, making him fall to the ground and hit his head.

John's fist was caught, making me resist his arm and flip him over and fall over the chair, breaking it. He groaned in response, looking up at me.

"Sorry John," I took his peaked cap off his head. "Shit happens,"

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