Chapter Seven

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"So youre tellin' me that Tommy wants to meet outside the Garrison for a little match-up tomorrow?" Kimber asked me. I was tied to a chair once again, only this time there were knives involved. I wouldn't be getting out of this one.

"Yes. Best man wins, the worst man dies." I told him. He chuckled and walked over to me, cutting the ropes.

"I thought you had completely taken their side, Dundee." he said with a smile. I had to lie to stay alive right now. "You wouldn't mind if I used you for ransom, would you?"

"I had to make it believable I worked for the Shelby's. Sorry i fucked with your trust," i lied straight through my teeth. It hurts to say such a thing with confidence.

"That's alright. Now that I know what they know, I can demolish them." He gave me a pat on the back. Just as he was about to leave, we heard an explosion outside. It was the barn. He didn't know we were in it, so he obviously thought it was the Shelby's doing.

"Grubs, take her to her room." Kimber said. The buff man led me to my room where the door was shut and locked. It was a small room with a single window and a bed. I couldn't realy get much from it.

Grubs was a stupid man. I pickpocketed him of his knife and his gun. He didn't even notice. The door was locked, so it would take anyone of any authority about a minute to open the door. That minute would give me time to hide whatever i was doing.

I pulled the bullet out of the gun to see if they were hollow tip or point tip, they were hollow. Kimber's men were using hollow tip bullets. That meant that they would stay in the body, not go through it.

Grubs blade on the other hand was rather cool looking. It was an automatic, double sided blade. That was good. That was really good.

I banged on the door, hoping to have someone's attention. Grubs came about five minutes later, looking me up and down.

"I'd like to have something to eat. Fruit preferably." I told him with a smile. He huffed in response.

"Boss says that youre dangerous." he said plainly. I smiled and lightly grabbed his shoulder, in a fake romantic way. I was flirting with him.

"Oh come on, I just want something to eat. All I've had is carbs in the last week, I need some energy." I told him. Even though none of what i said made sense, he fell for like the stupid schmuck he is.

"Ok. ill get you fruit." he closed the door in my face and strolled away to get me food. I then took the gun out from under the pillow and took two of the bullets out of it. The knife would be handy for getting the gunpowder out of the bullets.

About ten minutes later, Grubs opened my door and set an apple and orange in front of me. I thanked him and he left. Now i could get started on the real good stuff.

See, sulfur is found in gunpowder and oranges contain acetic acid. If you mix the two into a paste and let it dry, its highly painful to the eyes. Its what Dr. Treaty died from; burning eyes.


The vile was in the back pocket of the pants I was wearing, so was the knife and gun. I had two bullets in the gun that were going to be used on Kimber's men when I get free of them.

I restrained against Kimber as he dragged me through the mud behind the Garrison. There were about fifty of his men behind me, All of them carrying shotguns and pistols. It was going to be a shootout.

Kimber held a revolver to the temple of my head as he met the Peaky Blinders. I could see the brothers and some of the Lee boys with him. But once John saw the sight of me in Kimber's hold, he attempted to bolt towards him.

DUNDEE // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now