Chapter Eleven

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I sat at my spot at the dinner table in the Shelby house, just with my three brothers instead. I was still drowsy from the morphines the doctor gave me, but I could see and understand, so I was fine.

Antonio looked around the table, eyeing John and Arthur especially. Tony always had the kind, clueless look on his face at all times. He never meant any harm, but he somehow caused it.

I took one of Thomas's cigarettes and lit it while looking at the card. It was a card that screamed 'fuck you, I'm betterz'

"Alright," I threw the card in the middle of the table. "John, Arthur, these are my brothers." I pointed to them all. "Tony, Andy, and Rico." John and Arthur nodded at them, but didn't say anything.

"Ok, ground rules for you three." I exhaled the cigarette. "No Italian. You can't speak it in this country. If you want the words between us, Spanish." They all nodded in response.

"Mrs. Gray has been nice enough to let us into her home. I expect all of you to use your manners and thank her when you leave."

"We're not kids, Sofia." Andy retorted.

"Andrew, you better shut the fuck up before I beat you into another fucking Nationality." I told him calmly. He sat back into his chair, sulking. So much for family reunions, aye?

"Another thing. If you introduce me to anybody, it's Antonia. Not Sofia. Sofia is for Momma only. I knew our father better out of anyone here, so I'll honor him." They didn't like that.

"He was an asshole, Sofìe." Andy told me.

I ignored his statement. "Since we associate with the Shelby's, I won't have you looking like a low class Italian shit sack. I'll get some money this weekend for you all to have at least two suits apiece." They all nodded in response.

"Sof, if we need to look more presentable, Andy and I can pay for our own clothes. Rico can't." Antonio told me. I nodded.

"I'm assuming you all have guns, use them if you need to. Tommy has control over most of the police in this area, so tell me if you shoot anyone." I told them. They nodded in response.

I waited for about two minutes to let all of them get the rules I made for them. They all look at me with understanding eyes, knowing this is their life now. They let Matthew go out on his own, this is the price we have to pay.

"Alright get outta here." I told them. They all got up from the table, going towards the door. Rico looked at me for a second before putting his arms around my shoulders and hugging me tightly.

"te amo, Sofía." He told me. The words brought tears to my eyes.

"yo también te amo." I replied to him, giving him a pat on the arm. He left me and walked out with his brothers. I pushed the tears back from my eyes and faced John and Arthur. Thomas was out negotiating with the Lee's about Henry.

I haven't seen any of them in five years. I hadn't seen Rico since he was fucking eight years old. He's 12 now. He's grown to my height, and will probably grow taller. I've missed so much of all of their lives.

"So, how are we going to deal with this Giovanni dick." Arthur put the card down in the middle of the table.

"We're gonna shoot his brains out." John retorted against his brother. "We're gonna send him to fucking hell!"

"No, John." I looked at him. "This is between Dundee's and Giovanni's. Not the Shelby's. You have enough shit to deal with without bringing me into your problems."

"Could've just said 'fuck you'." He drank his whiskey, looking at his brother from across the table.

"Alright," I exhaled the cigarette. "Fuck you, John, I can take care of my own family." I obeyed his request. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, then rolled his eyes.

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