5. gooners v city at home

Start from the beginning

Olivia shook her head in disagreement, "No, no, I can't. It has to be this pair!" she insisted, turning around to continue to toss stuff around her bedroom. "I have to wear these ones and I can't find them at all!" she mumbled.

"I swear to God, Liv-- Right then, where did you last put them?" The older blonde asked, looking around her sisters' bedroom that looked a complete state to how it usually looked. "I'm amazed you can find anything with your room looking like a complete bombsite!" she remarked.

"Uh, I don't know... I can't remember!" The teenager admitted bashfully. "I had them the other day and now I can't find them. I don't where they are!" she said frustradely.

"What? Liv!" Leah exclaimed, her eyes nearly buldged out of her sockets. "Come on kid, we haven't got the time to look for them or we'll be late!" she stated annoyed, quickly glancing at the time on her watch.

"I know, I know..." Olivia mumbled in agremeent, if she was being completely honest, she didn't really hear what her sister was even saying as she more focused on trying to find her beloved trainers.

"This is why when I tell you to be ready, I actually mean it so things like this don't happen!" Leah stated, shaking her head unimpressed. "Just find another pair and wear them. We don't have the time to find them now!" she insisted.

"What's going on?" Jordan poked her head around the door, she was becoming concerned on what was taking them so long when Leah went upstairs to find her sister. "You know we've got to leave soon, right?" she checked the time on her phone and glanced between the two sisters.

Leah looked towards her girlfriend who stood in the doorway, "Yeah, I know, I'm aware Jord," she exhaled a sigh and looked back towards her sister. "This ones' only gone and lost her trainers, but she insists to find them before we leave." she explained.

"We haven't got the time for that," Jordan replied, shaking her head.

"That is what I told her," Leah remarked in agreement with her girlfriend. "Right, Liv, this is silly, you'll just have to wear another pair and find them another time." she told her firmly.

"Le, please, it has to be those ones!" Olivia insisted, she was almost on the verge of tears at loosing her favourite pair of trainers and neither girl could understand what the issue was. "Please, Le, please!" she pleaded, getting herself in a right state.

"Alright, alright, I'll help you look for your trainers, calm down," Leah said, concerned about how visibily upset her sister was getting over an item.

"I'll go and wait downstairs for you both," Jordan stated, shaking her head as she walked out of the teenagers bedroom to go back downstairs.

"Come on, let's quickly look and then we can get downstairs," Leah said as she ducked down to look under the bed, finding success when she spotted a familiar pair of Nike Air Max 90's tossed to the other side of the bed. "Are these the ones, Liv?" she asked.

"Yes!" Olivia exclaimed, eagerly accepting the trainers from her older sister. "Thank you, Le!" she said grateful.

Leah stood up from the bed and smiled faintly, nodding her head, "Alright, quick, put them on and then we need to go, like right now!" she said, glancing at the time on her phone and gesturing her sister down the stairs.

"Found them?" Jordan wondered, looking up from her phone where she was replying to a text from Beth asking where they were. "Beth texted, told her we're running a bit late." she added in.

"Just about in time," Leah mumbled, shaking her head as she motioned them all outside of the house. "Probably a good idea otherwise we'll miss the bus." she agreed.

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