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Four: Family

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Claws found their way under the sleeve of Gavriel's dark t-shirt. They were so small; it was barely more than a caress. But claws all the same.

"No claws," he chided.

Naya, his niece, mewed up at him. Her tiny yellow-green eyes and dark fur matched his. Nothing like her mother Sarai's beautiful spotted coat. And yet, so very much like her mother.

Especially as tiny teeth nipped at his arm. "No biting," Gavriel warned Naya. "Not unless you are ready to battle with your target." He smoothed one finger over the youngling's soft, dark head. "I am not sure you want to take on a big leopard just yet."

His leopard would love the opportunity. And he would let the youngling win too—if only to show his niece she could fight.


His only family—not more than half a year old at most—knew what it meant to fight. Had already experienced too much blood and battle.

And would no doubt know more before her life was over.

Naya purred, a gentle vibration in her throat as she rubbed her head against the side of his neck.

Gavriel took her down off his shoulder, two fingers finding her heartbeat. A steady thrum greeted him.

Relief was a cool compress on his chest.

The Freehold Association—the group of wielders who had been responsible for the attack on his territory, and the kidnapping and murder of his sister—had also been responsible for Naya's condition.

They had experimented on his niece, before she could defend herself; before his sister had passed. When she was nothing more than a group of cells in Sarai's womb.

After she'd been born, Arietta had gotten Naya out. Brought her to him.

Now, his people refused to help her, despite the fact that she had gotten Naya out to safety.

Gavriel brought Naya up to his chest, smoothing a cheek over the top of her head. "Arietta would be glad you are healthy, little one."

They did not know the extent of damage the Freehold Association had done. When she was with them, Arietta had checked in with Naya every chance she could get, ensuring the cubling was getting the amount of love and proper treatment she deserved.

Without Arietta here—

Grief was a stone lodged in his throat. Gavriel took a painful breath, recognizing the emotion.

It was grief. He had felt it before when his family was attacked. When he was hardly more than a teenager who had lost everything, desperate to find a connection in a world that was nothing but cruel.

Now, his leopard was out of sorts, fiercely fighting the rage, battling the urge to go rescue his mate.

His human side knew better. Until he had something to work off, some type of clue as to her whereabouts, he was more likely to run himself ragged. To exhaust himself until he would be too ragged to save himself, let alone the one precious to him.

But sitting here also felt like agony. It wasn't enough. It felt like inaction. It felt like letting her go.

Naya nudged her fur-covered cheek into the underside of his chin. Her little purr was a balm against his most jagged edges.

This. This right here was what Arietta had fought so hard for. She had given up everything to keep this little one safe. As much as he desperately needed to find Arietta and rescue her, he also had a responsibility to keep Naya and all the younglings safe. Arietta had done too much, only for him to let his enemies come in and ruin everything she had fought for.

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