
Seori grips Taehyung's hands tightly as they stand in front of her family's house, their nerves tingling with anticipation. Earlier that day, Seori's father had called, asking them to visit so they could have a conversation.

Although Seori knows her father is usually kind and loving, a sense of unease lingers within her. She worries about how her father will react to meeting Taehyung. What questions will he ask? Will he treat Taehyung well? Is there a chance he might get angry about what had happened?

The uncertainty weighs on Seori's mind, intensifying their apprehension as they approach the doorstep.

"Seori", he gives her a gentle squeeze. "You are worried about me meeting your father"


"Will he murder me or he will at least serve some tea and snacks first?", he tries to joke, mainly to ease her but deep down, he is actually nervous too.

He wants Seori's father to like him. He really does.

But he cannot deny the way the anxiety pooling in his stomach at the thought of her dad not liking him after what he had done to her.

"He might serve tea first before roasting you", she lets out a nervous timid laugh. "Maybe some cakes too since he loves sweet things"

Taehyung pulls her closer to him. "I am good with elderly people"

"You are grumpy", she jokes.

"Only with you because I like it when you are mad at me". He wiggles his eyebrows at her, making her sigh as she rolls her eyes at him. "See, don't do that. I am trying to be decent here"

"I am so done with you", she smacks his side only to have him catch her hand and bring it up to his lips.

"I am not done with you", he winks at her before pressing a soft kiss on her hand. "Should we ring the bell?"

Before Seori can even touch the doorbell, the front door swings open, revealing her mother with a beaming smile. She exudes an air of pure joy and enthusiasm as she unlocks the door, practically pulling Seori and Taehyung inside. Without a chance for them to speak, she guides them to the coffee table, excitedly chatting about the weather and the tea she has prepared for their visit.

"I have been waiting for you two!", she smiles at both of them. "I have-"

"Seori", her father suddenly appears at the side, his eyes soften when he looks at her but they go completely grim the second he looks at Taehyung.

Everyone goes silent as he addresses Taehyung. Taehyung quickly stands up to politely greet him but Seori's father says nothing after he is done. Instead, he turns to his wife.

"I would like to have a very private conversation with this boy. Why don't you take your daughter out for coffee and cakes?"

Seori blinks in surprise at her father's gesture, but he simply gives her a reassuring nod and plants a gentle kiss on her forehead. Before she can fully process what is happening, her mother's hands firmly guide her out of the house, separating her from Taehyung.

As Seori's mother locks the door behind them, she flashes a warm smile and lovingly cups Seori's cheeks. "No need to be so worried, dear. Your father won't throw him to the sharks," she says, trying to lighten the mood.

"To the wolves, then?" Seori attempts to play along with a smile, but deep down, her anxiety persists at the thought of Taehyung being alone with her father.

"He just wants to have a talk with him," her mother reassures, hoping to ease Seori's concerns.

As they stroll further away from the house, Seori glances back, a heavy sigh escaping her. Her mother lets out a soft giggle, relishing in the mix of worry and relief on Seori's face. "Your father is a gentleman, Seori," she says, emphasizing her point. "But most importantly, I'm glad to see you so happy now."

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