Chapter 8

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"You crossed the line"

"You messed up"

"You were so rude"

"And you fucked up"

Taehyung grunts lowly under his breath, sinking deeper into the chair as he runs a hand over his face. He ignores the other guys seated at the same round table in the cafe,  questioning him for what he had done to Seori just barely an hour ago.

He crossed the line. Yes. He messed up. Yes again. He fucked up. Terribly, yes.

"Seriously, Kim Taehyung?", Yoongi sighs loudly, disappointed. "What were you thinking saying things like that to her?"

"You were very rude", Jungkook pulls his chair closer. "You should not have said that"

"I know that", Taehyung snaps at them. "Stop reminding me"

The table goes silent as Taehyung looks away from them, staring at the darkened street outside the big clear windows instead. His thoughts are in a mess and he can barely think of anything except the heavy regret residing in the center of his chest, pulling strings of guilt so taut he feels like he is about to suffocate himself with the heavy feeling.

He replays his harsh words to Seori again and again, beating himself up for not thinking before speaking. He thinks about the look on Seori's face when he accuses her of all that. The way her eyes looked almost red and teary, as if she was trying to hold on to herself for dear life.

The way the light in her eyes completely went out and they became so hollow and empty.

She looks offended, angry and most importantly, grief-stricken. All thanks to him. Well, no thanks to him.

Taehyung turns his body away from his friends, not wanting to hear anymore of their complaints about his actions because he knows too well he has no defense on that. He is in the wrong. He crossed the line and said such terrible words to Seori.

"I do not have any issue with anyone else. I do not have any issue with you either. But you seem to have so many issues with me being here"

He hates to admit but she was right. There is no issue to begin with, just him and his blind hatred towards the city people.

"He is my late friend's ex-husband. She died in a car crash two years ago"

He recalls Seori's words and suddenly something clicks in his head, and he stills. Then he remembers that one night Namjoon was talking about her instagram profile. Yoongi pointed out there were not many photos since two years ago.

Two years ago. Her friend's death was two years ago.

Something clicks at the back of his mind as the realization hits him, making every inch of his skin feel cold as shiver runs down his spine. Two years ago. The changes in her instagram feed since two years ago. This could be the reason she rarely posts anything anymore - she lost her friend.

Then a thought pops in his head, making him look up at nothing.

Is that why she has been sitting on her balcony every night? Staring into nothing, so deep in thoughts?

Is she still grieving over her friend's death? After two years?

He thinks to himself for a moment, connecting every detail in his head silently. Then he sighs deeply, closing his eyes as the waves of regret wash over him.

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