lil author's note :3

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warning; this note jumps around a lot

Hey so I'd just really like to thank each and every person who sits and deals with my inconsistency and enjoys the story so far.

My ADHD makes it, like, hard to sit and not jump around while I'm writing but I'm really trying my best to make sure the plot is consistent and smooth.

I'm changing the paragraph style just a little, just to make it easier for any comments so I know what part someone is talking about.

I love and appreciate every comment I get btw, whether it's corrections or feral or simple appreciation, they all make my day knowing that people are expressing their enjoyment for the story :)

I would like to heavily apologize for how long it takes me to update. I know I can't give excuses and I need to try and work on it more, so that's what I'm going to do.

Building in the last note, I really regret how some parts of the story are doing so far, but I'm not going to take it back and i think that's what's making me lose motivation. I just rewrote the whole 10th chapter I had halfway done and I had so much more creativity and motivation the second time then I did the first. I just want to warn you that I might go and rewrite old parts, but I'll make sure I make it obvious what's been changed.

I also just wanna say, I'm personally going to be using Vixen as a self insert character for art. NOT in in the story in any way however. Vixen will ALWAYS continue to be "y/n" and I will try my best to leave them as anonymous as possible; no described hair/eye color, friends, backstory, etc for the story. I know personally that I hate when stories force characters on me, and I strive to do the opposite. I just wanted to clerify bcz I have some silly fear of someone seeing any art and saying I stole the character. 😭

Okay, I think that might be it. Chapter ten out in the next few hours, pinky promise. 💙

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