Ch1. Pt.5

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  //Y/fc=your favorite color,
Y/ff=your favorite food...etc
also I'd like to apologize for any incorrect info, I searched but nothing came up except for what I put in the story/ /

"Here, why don't you come sit with me?" I patted the end of my bed as I sat up. König walked over and gently sat down, leaving quite a bit of space between us, and cleared his throat.
   "Do you have a favorite color?" I smiled at him and nodded.
   "I really like y/fc, how about you?"
   "Rosa, pink. It must sound silly to hear me say that." He put one hand on his leg and then dragged it up.
   "I think that's sweet, König. Why would it be silly?"
   "Well some people have said that I am scary because I am big and big scary guys do not like silly colors." I reached my hand out and set it gently on his, looking down to the floor. He jumped slightly but didn't move away.
   "I don't think you're scary. Even if you were, you can like whatever color you want. Physical appearance doesn't define your personality." Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look at me and then back down.
   "Danke, thank you. It is nice to talk to someone who is not moving away from me because they are scared. Your words mean a lot." We sat in a comfortable silence for a while, hand on hand. "What is-" He looked down at my hand and stared at it for a minute. He turned his over and wrapped his fingers with mine. "What is your favorite food?" He looked at me and I turned back to face him.
   "I love Y/ff, I think when it's prepared right, it can really lift my mood if I had a bad day. What's yours?"
   "Hm..I like sausage rolls. Especially from Gregg's. They are very nice on a cold day, really warm you up...How about favorite animal? I think cats are the cutest, especially when they do that thing where they curl their paws under them and slow blink at you...Loaf?" He let go of my hand and used his fingers to attempt to show me what he meant. I giggled and nodded.
   "Yes loafing. It's very cute. I like Y/fa but cats are definitely cute."
   "Ah yes! I have seen those before! Sehr hübsch, they are very cute!" I could see the corners of his eyes crinkle up showing me he's smiling. He quickly grabbed my hand again and put them both back on his leg. We talked for a while more, holding hands the whole time.
   Then there was a knock on the door and I got up to answer it. Ghost walked in when I opened the door and saw König sitting on my bed. He tensed his muscles and straightened his posture, looking back to me.
   "Supper is ready. Price said we should eat all togetha' since your squad is feelin' better." He looked back over to König and I saw him ball up his fists. König's eyebrows furrowed and he pulled his arms back a little closer to his body. He looked over to me and I walked over to him. His eyes widened as I stood infront of him and put my hands on his upper arms, below his shoulders.
   "Hey, it's okay. What's wrong?"
   "He's a sorry sack of worry like I told you." Ghost seethed from his spot by the door. König's head lowered and he put his hands together.
   "Why are you being such a dick to him Ghost!? He's done nothing wrong. You've been acting more and more hostile towards him since he stopped me from falling when I first woke up!" Ghost's eyes narrowed and he walked over to us. König looked worriedly from him to me and stood up beside me, grabbing my hand.
   "He's touched you multiple times?" Ghost was practically growling by this point. He noticed König holding my hand and made to hit him but I pushed him back. He kept his ballance and only went back a foot or two but it was enough to make him shake his head, glare at me, and slam the door as he walked out. I looked at König and he let go of my hand.
   "I need to go Y/N. It has been nice talking to you." He walked to the door and looked back at me with a sad expression.
   "Wait, what? Why are you leaving?" I approached him and he shook his head.
   "I do not like the way He looked at you with anger. I do not want you to get hurt. I think it would be best if I left you alone for a while." He wouldn't meet my eyes as he opened the door.
   "Wait König," I put my hand on his shoulder. "Why are you worried about me? All we did was talk, he has nothing to be upset about. I don't want to stop talking to you." He looked at me, sighed, and walked out of the door, leaving me standing in the doorframe looking after him.

Why not both?  (GhostxKönigxfem reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat