Chapter 1 Part 3

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  I stared into his eyes a moment longer, beginning to feel the heat rising to my ears and neck as he stared back. I wanted to just melt into them; they looked so warm and cozy and reminded me of a fireplace, with a deep green rug before it.
  A cough shook me from my thoughts. I quickly turned away from König, my face on fire.
  "Y/N I need you to relax, you're making the blood pressure test very difficult. I can't get a clear reading if you dont calm down." The doctor ordered, putting a hand on my shoulder to steady my breathing. I nodded and looked back to König, but he was gone. I glanced around the room and didnt find him or Price. They must have slipped out while I was listening to the doctor...What a great first impression.
   *A few days has gone by, and still no sign of König. Y/N is allowed to see her men and take short trips around the base, under supervision.*

   I was sitting in the larger infirmity with my men, sharing stories and reconnecting after being apart for so long. There was a knock at the door and I got up to open it.
  A tall figure blocks the doorframe. I look up, my eyes studying their toned and defined figure. As I noticed their arms crossed, I suddenly remembered what I was doing. I cleared my throat and stepped aside, letting the figure in.
  They walked in but turned to look at me. I tried to hide my face from them, not daring to meet their gaze. They cleared their throat and I let out a sigh of defeat. I looked up sheepishly, expecting an expression of disappointment, disgust or uncomfortableness. Instead, all I saw was another masked person. This one had a skull painted on thei-.... Wait! Isn't this the guy that saved me in the field!?
  I felt my eyes widen as theirs squinted. I must have looked ridiculous. The man let us sit in silence for a minute more, seeming to be doing his own studying, before letting his arms relax and leaning against the wall.
  "Y/N the doctor has asked me to lead you around for a while, much to my dissaproval. I've already planned out your 'tour', so let's get going. I don't like people who laze around and waste time." With that he turned around and began to walk down the hallway. He had a deep gruff voice and a british accent. Despite my attempts to not let my mind wander I couldn't help but think about how attractive his voice is.
   "OI! Hurry up Y/N! Wha' did I say about wasting time?" He yelled at me from down the hall. I waved a quick goodbye to my squad and jogged down the path, trying not to push myself too hard and end up bedridden for another week. When I was beside the man, I slowed to a speed walk and he tutted his tongue at me. I raised an eyebrow and turned my head to look at him but he kept facing forward, though, I'm sure I saw a smile on his face and his gaze wander to me out of the corner of my eyes. We walked in silence again for a while and then I gained the courage to talk to him.
   "So...What's your name?" God damnit I sound stupid, I hissed at myself under my breath and looked at the ground. The man chuckled.
   "An' why would I tell you tha'? I don' know you do I?" He looked down at me and I shrugged. "An' don't pretend like I wasn't the one to save you eh. I found ya, you'd be dead withou' me." A gasp escaped my mouth and I looked up at him. His cold eyes met mine and I felt my breath catch in my throat. I looked back down at the ground and felt a slight color rush into my cheeks.
   "Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life" I mumbled.
   "Ah I suppose you do huh?" He said, then pointed to a large room with no doors. "Thats the recreational center. I'll bet you money they'll be havin you spend a while in there to get do some sort of physical therapy." I nodded without looking up. "Across from it is the gym, you'll be wanting to get your strength back once you heal. Next door to the RC is the dinnin' hall. Dont waste your time there though, nobody eats togetha'." As he was pointing out the kitchen, a shorter man stepped out and greeted him warmly.
   "Ghost! There ya are! Oh, and whos this little lady behind ya?" I looked at 'Ghost' and decided that name fit him quite well. The other man had a Scottish accent and its hard to say if its deep or high, but definitely not normal. I looked at the Scottish man and took in some obvious details. He had a tiny mohawk. I almost burst out laughing seeing the grin he had on his face and how stupid he looked. Both men looked at me and I stifled my laughter.
   "What the bloody hell are you doin' here Soap? You're supposed to be on watch." Ghost grumbled at the scott, apparently named Soap. He gave him a stern look and glanced at me, "Her name is Y/N."
   "Oh, so she's the one Price was tellin' me about eh? What a looker!" He said, giving me a playful wink. I smiled and laughed at him, trying to be friendly.
   "Thank you sir. Me and my boys were trying to reach you guys here to request assistance for our squadron. It's very kind of you to take care of us all."
   "Oh call me Soap, and but of course! What would we have done, left you lot out there to die?" He laughed, looking so stupid it was hilarious. Ghost glared at the two of us smiling and crossed his arms again.
   "Right then. Since you've met Soap we can get on with our tour then yea?" He said turning to me to block out Soap.
   "Oh yeah, lead the way." I said waving goodbye to Soap. Ghost grumbled quietly as we had to stop just a few feet ahead as he showed me the bar/entertainment center...Why would a military base need an entertainment center? I thought of these big men in cute little dresses having a tea party and smiled to myself.
   "What're you smilin' about then?" Ghost asked, scaring me and making me jump. He had turned his head completely to look at me and was not shy about eye contact. I blushed a little and shrugged. I definitely didn't want to tell him what I was laughing about.
   "You better not be gettin distracted like that on the field Y/N. Better yet, is that why you got ambushed in the first place?" He asked, a mocking tone in his voice. I looked up at him in disbelief and was at a loss for words. "It was just a joke ya wuss." He had noticed my expression and shrugged, turning back to face the pathway. He led me up a flight of stairs and showed me the bedrooms.
   "What one is your room?" I asked absentmindedly. Ghost looked at me with a surprised look.
   "Why? You gunna come runnin' in to me because you had a little nightmare?" He laughed heartily and wiped his eyes. "Why would I tell ya where I sleep? Again, I dont know you." I blushed from embarrassment and looked to my hands as I played with a zipper on my jacket.
  "Oh, there you are König. You were supposed to watch this one but I had to take your shift." My head jerked up and I saw König standing there, his hand on the back of his head.
   "I-I am sorry Ghost. I-... It wont happen again." He nodded in apology then glanced down at me, not making eye contact. I looked at the men and felt tiny between their sizes, like I could sneak away and go die unnoticed.
   I groaned and sat down on the floor, my head suddenly killing me. Ghost and König looked at me, the latter quickly going to grab me. His gloved hands felt like fire on my skin as his shirt rubbed against my back, putting my weight on his hips to get a better hold. The edge of his hood fluttered around the top of my head, almost going over my face. König paid no mind though, as he was busy making sure I was standing with as little weight on my own feet as possible. Ghost watched König help me up with his arms folded. It was impossible to tell his expression, but the way his eyes burned, it gave off a feeling of jealousy.

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