CH. 1 PT. 4

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  //I used google translate for the German, please forgive me 😭 //

   I glanced at Ghost but my attention was immediately stolen as one of König's hands landed on my waist, making my stomach do summersaults.
   "Scheiße! I-I'm sorry!" König stammered as I looked at his hand then at him. His eyes were wide and I could see red creeping in fron the small eye holes in his mask. He tried to move his hand but it caused me to slip. 
   I could feel my hair standing on edge as Ghost cought me, a furious look in his eyes. I was still pressed up against König, now with Ghost pressed to my other side; I was completely surrounded by the two large men. My face was on fire and my stomach was doing all the gymnastic moves known to man, along with a new feeling farther down. I looked up as my legs began to give out and saw Ghost glaring fiercely at König who was looking at the floor in embarrassment.
   They must have felt me move my head, as they both looked down at me with two completely different expressions. Ghost has a fire burning in his eyes that I can't quite describe. It looked like anger and annoyance but I could see hints of worry and..jealousy again? König wouldn't meet my eyes, but they were flooded with embassment and worry and fear as his face steadily grew more red.
   Why hasn't anyone said anything?..
   I wasn't complaining really, these two men holding me with their hands all over my body, staring down at me through their masks. Kinky. I burst out laughing and they looked at me in confusion.
   "What're you laughin' abou' now? You almost fell down and bashed your 'ead against the wall." I felt Ghost let go of me and I plopped onto the floor, König letting go of me aswell.
   "Nothing! Nothing." I stammered, still laughing. Ghost walked around to face me and folded his arms.
   "No, now you have to tell us Y/N, you might be havin' a mad episode." He laughed at his own joke as König also stepped around to face me.
   "You wouldn't get it," I sputtered out between breathes, finally calming down. I noticed König looked very uncomfortable and I quieted down quickly. Ghost noticed me looking at König and squinted his eyes, balling his fists up even though his arms were still folded. "It's nothing. I promise." I tried to add a sweet reassuring tone to my voice to try to help König but it just seemed to make it worse.
   "I think it's time we get you back to the infirmary, yeah?" Ghost was practically seething as he stormed off without waiting for me to stand up. I looked to König, but just like when I first met him, he was gone. I sighed and got up, trying to avoid another outburst of him yelling down the hall for me. Why was he acting like that? As he likes to say, I don't know him, meaning he doesn't know me either. I shook my head and started down the stairs when I saw Ghost leaning against the wall waiting for me.
   "Sorry I-"
   "Yea it's fine. Why are you so intrigued by that big oaf? He's just a sorry sack of worry. Couldn't even become a sniper, him." He looked me in the eyes as I sat with my jaw open in disbelief at how mean he could be.
   "Why are you acting like a dickhead? You don't know me so stop acting like you own me!" Ghost's eyes narrowed and a vein in his arm jumped.
   "I'm just sayin' don't waste your time with him." With that he walked down the opposite direction away from the infirmary, leading me to find it myself. It shouldnt be that hard, a few open rooms, double doors, kitchen... everything was pretty much connected by one hallway. I started wandering through, looking at any and everything on the walls in this boring building. I passed by the dining hall and saw Soap sitting there on his phone. I shrugged to myself and walked in, waving at him when he looked up.
   "Well hello again y/n. Glad to see ya after Ghost stole you away like that. Mean one he is." Mean was really an understatement.
   "Hi Soap. I saw you sitting in here and thought I could chat with you before going back to the infirmary, I hope you don't mind."
   "Of course not! Here take a seat!" He slid over on the bench and I sat down, my eyes drawn to his hair again. WTF is wrong with me? Why is his hair so funny? "You like my hair eh?" I jumped and felt heat on my neck.
   "I'm so sorry, I just can't seem to get used to it." I've seen him twice, how would I be used to it? "I mean. I like how it looks." I tried to stifle a giggle and put my hands into my lap.
   "You don't have to be overly nice to me yknow. I can tell you think my hair is stupid." He laughed and punched my shoulder gently, making a weird face that sent me over the edge. I started laughing almost uncontrollably, apparently making Soap laugh as well.
   "I'm s-s-so sorry Soap I- I don't know wh-why it's so funny." I huffed between breathes. He patted me on the should and started to get up.
   "It's lovely to be able to have a good laugh once in a while, call me down if you need a pick-me-up,yeah? I've got to get to watch now though or else Ghost will fib on me. See ya later y/n" I waved at him as he walked away and then got up to go myself. I walked back to "my room" and settled down into the bed to kill time until dinner.

//about an hour later//

   There was a knock on the door.
   "Come in!" I turned my phone off and put it aside, sitting up to talk. König made his way into the room sheepishly and then closed it behind him. To be honest he was the last person I'd expect. Ghost maybe, hed come in and yell at me.
   "I-I am very sorry for g-grabbing you in a way t-that was...Inappropriate. I hope this has n-not ruined m-my chance at becoming friends with you...though I w-w-would understand if it did, as it was very wrong for it to happen twice. I-I was just w-worried you would fall and hurt yourself..." He trailed off, shifting his weight nervously as he looked at the floor. I got up from my bed and grabbed his wrists with one hand and lifted his chin to me. "There's no need to apologize. I quite liked it" I cooed at him. His blush intensified as I pulled us over to my bed, pulling him on top of me, his breath getting shaky. I began to run my hands up his che-
   "Y/N? Are you alright?" My train of thought was derailed and I could feel my face glowing. König's eyes showed pure worry and I felt guilty.
   "Yes, I'm alright König, I'm sorry. Of course it didn't ruin anything." I liked it. "I'm grateful you cought me both times." I want to feel your hands all over me again. "I think we should start over, don't you? So we can actually get to know eachother." König nodded and sighed with relief, finally looking up at me. He still wouldn't make eye contact but I was rather grateful.

//I worked on this all day to get two parts out in 24hrs, sorry its rushed.//

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