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Bakugou and Kirishima change into regular clothes and start leaving the agency.

Kirishima:  "soooo "

Bakugou: "  so what?"

Kirishima gave him a sly look and wiggled his eyebrows:  " you and Todoroki"

Bakugou blushed a little : " shut up! There's no me and icyhot got it. Hes an annoying bastard"

Kirishima: " seriously? You guys flirt all the time"

Bakugou: " no we fucking don't ! h-he just knows how to push my buttons"

Kirishima: "  there was so much tension in the office this afternoon you could cut it with a knife. No no wait there was so much tension a fly could of landed on it and it would have snaped. Wait I could do better t– "

Bakugou: "shut up I'm not listening to a guy whos car is in the shop  because he ran over three pot holes and punctured the tire and now we have to walk home."

Kirishima: "hey I told you it was an accident because i got distracted by a live cardboard cut out of myself."

Bakugou: " tch"

Kirishma: "at least I know how to drive"

Bakugou: "hey! I have a licence "

Kirishima: "yeah but you didn't drive after you passed your test and now you can't drive "

Bakugou: "I know how to drive okay I just have you to drive me around so I'm fine. And you said you wouldn't tell anyone jackass"

Kirishima:  "hahahah alright bro whatever you say and I won't tell anyone I promise. "

As the two were walking they heard a voice from behind call out for them. They stopped and turned around, Midoriya caught up to them with a smiling face.

Midoryia: " hey guys"

Kirishima: "hey dude"

Bakugou just grunted

Midoriya: "I heard from mina that your cars getting fixed so you guys are walking home."

Bakugou: "yeah because of this dumbass" he said glaring at Kirishima.

Midoriya: "I thought I could give you guys a ride since I don't live that far from you two."

Kirishima: " that would be awesome dude. Thank you"

Bakugou: " no way in hell "

Midoriya: " but it's a 45 minute walk Kacchan"

Bakugou: " I don't give a fuck"

"Damn shitty situation," he muttered. Suddenly, the sound of an engine caught his attention, and he halted in his tracks. He turned to see a handsome, muscular man riding a sleek motorcycle, coming to a stop right next to him.

Kirishima: "wow dude that's a sick as bike"

"Nice ride, man," Bakugou remarked

Midoriya: "that's so cool"

The stranger removed his helmet, revealing a shockingly familiar face with red and white hair. It was Todoroki. Bakugou's eyes widened in surprise.

Midoriya: "Todoroki-san?"

Kirishima: " wow dude I didn't know you rode a bike like that, that's so cool"

Bakugou was barely listening to the conversation. All he could think about Is how hot the half and half looked and how big his arms were. He had to be hallucinating. He was pulled out of thought when he heard his name being called.

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