Tricked by our kid

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All pics are not mine and all credit goes to original creators of mha and any other fan art by other artist.
Omega verse

Alpha Todoroki -26 (5'11)

Omega Bakugou-26 (5'9)

Ko - 3 (todobaku baby)

Todoroki and Bakugou were in fight an 1 hour earlier so they weren't talking to each other at the moment

Ko was sitting on the couch with her stuff bunny watching a movie

Bakugou was in the kitchen and todroki was setting the table.

B: " Ko tv times over so go play with your toys"
He yelled from the kitchen


Both todoroki and Bakugou came running in standing behind the couch.

Todoroki : whats wrong ?
Bakugou: are you okay what happened!

She turned to face them on the couch

Ko: " hmm nothing with me but"
She pointed between the two

Bakugou and todoroki looked at each other confused and then back at ko.

Todoroki: us?

Ko: " papa and daddy are fighting so that means you two have to make up"

Bakugou: " your daddy and I are fine we are ..just in a disagreement "

Ko: "NO! You guys aren't talking" she slammed her tiny hands on the couch with a cute angry pout

Todoroki: sweetie we'll talk from now on does that make you feel better

He said with a small smile . He really wanted to laugh because of how cute his daughter was.

Bakugou: oi brat see we're fine

Ko crossed her arms and shook her head no.

Bakugou : tch fine what do you want

Ko quickly replaced her angry pout with a cheeky smile

Ko: papa always says hugs and kisses then you make up "

Bakugou : uhhh 🙄 fine look

He wrapped his arms around todorokis neck and then hugged him reluctantly and todoroki wraped his arms around Bakugous waist

(Bakugou and todroki frogot what they were actually fighting about but both are stubborn )

Bakugou whispered into todorokis ear "I'm still pissed at you you know"

Todoroki: " are you sure ~cause your holding on pretty tight..hmm like you missed me"

Bakugou:" I -what no I'm just trying to strangle you"

They both whispered to each other until ko said " know kisses "

They both leaned back a little just enough to look at each other.
Bakugou looked up in to todorokis eyes

Bakugou mind 💭 ( AH! Fuck why did I marry this hot dumbass)

He started blushing

Todoroki smirked

Bakugou: shut up

Todoroki leaned in and kissed his cheek

And they both looked at ko

Ko shooke her head no

Bakugou: you brat fine

He pressed his lips onto todoroki and felt todroki place his hand onto his ass and pulling him in mor. He then stared to get lost in the kiss.

Ko : " ewwww hahaha"
Her cute little laugh is what brought reality back into the both of them. They slowly pulled their lips apart and looked at each other.

Todoroki whispered : one hour is to long to be away from you

Bakugou chcuckled

Todroki : " ko papa and I are going to do some talking in our room so you can have a longer tv time"

Ko: Okay

She said happily sitting back in her seat and snuggling her bunny

Ko mumbling to her self " hehe my plan worked and I got to watch more tv haha I'm a genius "

Bakugou : she really needs to stop spending so much time with deku

Todoroki: she tricked us to get more screen time didn't she

Bakugou: hmm seems like it. That's my kid haha

Todoroki : oh well can't be helped

He picked up Bakugou bridle style and waked to their room

Todobaku one shots Where stories live. Discover now