Another world

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Mention of smut I guess idk 🤷‍♀️  let's see how it goes :) also there in third year and 18 years old.

None of these pictures are mine all credit to artist

Bakugo was walking through the market with some of his classmates since it was Sunday and they need fresh groceries . As he was walking he heard someone fall over . He looked to the side an in the alley way and saw there was a kid . He walked over and he could see he was alright but as soon as he approached the kid yelled " ahhh don't hurt me " .

Bakugo : "oi kid I ain't gonna hurt ya"

Kid: "your not"

Bakugo: "tch.. I would be a sucky hero if I hurt you wouldn't I"

The Kid nodds

Bakugo crouches down in front of the kid " we're are your parents "

Kid : " I lost them and then there were to many people so I got scared and ran"

Bakugo: "come on let's go find your parents"

Bakugo reaches for the kids arm to help him up

They both stand and he turns and sees mina and todoroki staning infront of the alley way .

Mina: "we were looking for you"
She says yelling kinda

Bakugo was about to say something until an old lady bumps into him and after he saw a bright light. He opened his eyes a second later and sees he's not in an alley or at the market place .

Bakugo thoughts 💭 *where the fuck did the kid go ? Where's icy hot and raccoon eyes ....where the fuck am I *

He looks around and see it doesn't seem like his world . He must have got hit with a quirk and gone through a portal or something. He looks at him self and sees he's not wearing his jeans and shirt , instead he wearing

 He looks at him self and sees he's not wearing his jeans and shirt , instead he wearing

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Bakugo: "what the fuck am I wearing"

He hears cheering and he looks up and sees a stadium like Ancient Greek time . He walks closer to the barrier and sees that there are crowd of people below him

 He walks closer to the barrier and sees that there are crowd of people below him

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Todobaku one shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt