"What's the matter?" Tanjiro asks.


Inosuke stumbles on his feet, falling back onto the ground. You step closer to get a better look. His eyes were glazed over, almost rolled to the back of his head. His forehead was bleeding too, and he was literally frothing at the mouth.

"Ms. Kesha. Ms. Keshaaa!"

You nudge his foot with yours. When you get no response, you deadpan at Tanjiro.

"Oh, my fuckin' God. He fuckin' dead."

"He-He collapsed!" Zenitsu squeaks, "Is he dead?!"

"He's not dead," Tanjiro shakes his head, "It's probably a concussion. Because I head-butted the hell out of him."

You sigh through your nose and crouch next to the boar kid. You can hear the little girl talk to Tanjiro, but you pay no mind to anyone other than the one in front of you. You take this time to brush his bangs back to get a better look at the growing bump.

You hiss, "Oohh, sucks to suck, bitch."

You almost just want to leave him there, knowing he's just going to rejuvenate all by himself eventually.


But... as the oldest in the current group, you should be the responsible one and take care of him if you can. Might as well put your classes to use when you can.

You roll your eyes and look around for your bag. You left it by the tree you were previously napping on before everything went to shit. Your tank top was torn up to be used on Zenitsu's head, so all you had was your black hoodie. You didn't really wanna use it, but you weren't just going to leave him like that.

After all, you were a Goddamn angel.

You remove your hoodie from your person, doing your best to ignore that you're only in your sports bra now. But you're a bad bitch with the hottest tits on the planet, so what's there to worry about?

Big titties, small titties, no titties, uneven titties: all fucking titties are amazing titties.

God, now that you're thinking about it, you really love women.


You use the sleeve of the hoodie to gently dab at his forehead to clean it off, still thinking about women as you do so. You fix his hair so that it's all neat, then half haphazardly wipe off your own face with the other sleeve, yelping at the quick flashes of pain.

You look down at Inosuke and scrunch your nose.

"You're so lucky that I'm such a nice fucking bitch."

You fold the hoodie and sit it on his chest. You look back at your new friends and call out to one.

"Hey, Tanjiro."

He looks over to you with wide eyes and a slight blush. Probably because you're half naked now, but he'll be fine.

"I don't get it at all. He was beating her up real bad, but is she trying to help him?" Zenitsu talks mostly to himself, but Tanjiro hears him anyway as he walks to you.

Tanjiro comes over and kneels down. You point to Inosuke's head and grab your folded hoodie. Tanjiro gets the message when you move the hoodie, carefully lifting up his head so you can put the hoodie underneath as a pillow. Tanjiro takes off his own haori, draping it over Inosuke's body.

Tanjiro is a bit conflicted about you being so nice towards Inosuke. Though Tanjiro would've done the same regardless, he did worry you might be too nice and easy to manipulate.

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