Chapter 13: Party Animals

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Dick and the rest of the Young Justice team minus Wally were somewhere in the middle of the crowd of students rushing into the mansion. He spoke into the mindlink Megan had established when they arrived in Gotham. "You guys remember what we're doing here right?"

Artemis sighed, "How many times are we going to go over this, Dick? Your starting to sound like Kaldur before missions."

"There's a lot of people here and the other's have never been to a Gotham party."

"Alright fine, but this better not become something we do before all our missions. We have to get Sam, Tucker or Jazz alone to confront them about the note you found in your pocket at school and also find out more about their pasts, especially Jazz's there was hardly anything Dick could find out about them."

The group finally made it into the mansion and were surprised by what they saw. The entire entry was decorated in green and yellow, with pictures of famous football players from the green bay packers. It was even more surprising when they got to the room the party was in, almost everything was decorated in more green and yellow with several different memorabilia of the green bay packers like signed footballs, posters etc. Conner let out a short whistle, "Someone's obsessed." The others immediately agreed.

"Let's split up and try to blend in." Everyone went their separate ways. Dick and Conner ended up near a stage that was set up on the far end of the room. The curtain was drawn so they couldn't see behind it.

"What do you think is behind there?" Neither of the teens noticed a very grumpy looking goth walk up behind them.

"Probably the surprise my friend was talking about." The two boys whirled around, trying not to get into fighting stances. "I see you actually showed up Dick."

The shorter boy gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah... this is my friend Conner, Conner this is Sam. She basically told everyone at school not to come."

Sam rolled her eyes and gestured around the room. "As you can see, no one listened."

"Why didn't you want anyone to come to the party?"

Sam let out a scoff. "Only rich snobs invite complete strangers into their homes as a way to gain popularity. I'd rather be tending my garden or exploring the neighborhood some more."

"It's dangerous to be on the streets of Gotham at night. Wouldn't you rather explore it during the day, and possibly have at least one other person with you as well."

"I'll be fine, I've been to much more dangerous places than Gotham."

Before anything else could be said, the curtains opened up to reveal a pale teenage girl with flaming blue hair. "Is everyone having a good time!" There were several cheers. "Even if you weren't I'm here to make it even better! All you have to do is say my name..."

Sam looked at the stage and sighed. "You two come with me, I'm not gonna be the only one with a spray bottle if she gets too amped up."

Elsewhere Jazz was attempting to get some snacks from the buffet table when two muscular boys cornered her. She tried walking past them, but they kept blocking her way. "Um, excuse me, but I need to get through."

The taller of the two boys chuckled at each other before giving a sinister grin. "Look at this new girl, Tyler. She didn't even have the decency to offer us any food."

"I know Ronny, but I think I know of a way she can make it up to us." The two boys started walking closer to Jazz.

A sandwich was thrown at the back of Ronny's head. He turned to glare at the perpetrator. Artemis was standing there holding a bunch of grapes. "Leave her alone, or ill do a whole lot more than ruin your outfits."

"Ha like we're afraid of you Artemis." The two guys started laughing and turned their backs on the blonde.

Artemis scowled before she saw a couple condiment bottles and smirked. Grabbing the bottles and squirting the condiments at the boys heads, the blonde grabbed Jazz while they were distracted. "If you two have ever watched Victorious or listened to Meghan Trainor then you should have respected her body language and her answer." The two girls quickly walked away laughing when Tyler complained about mustard in his ears. "You okay, red?"

Jazz felt her cheeks heating up, "I'm- I'm fine. Thank you for helping me. I'm not really used to being around people and this party is completely out of my comfort zone. I didn't know what to do when those two approached me."

Artemis nodded, "We could go outside to avoid those two idiots, along with the horrible decorations. I mean who decorates their home as a football museum."

"That sounds nice."

Tucker had been making a 'grand' entrance when he tripped on his shoelaces and almost faceplanted on the floor, but two pairs of hands stopped him.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." At that moment, Tucker noticed Megan. He quickly stood up straight and tried to smoothen his beret. "Hello gorgeous, the name's Tucker Foley, or TF for Too Fine."

Megan glanced at Zatanna in confusion, who shrugged. "Umm, okay... I'm Megan and this is my friend Zatanna."

"Cool, cool so what's your favorite tech brand?"

Kaldur ended up running into Dick and Conner while they doused the teen performer in water using spray bottles. He'd seen several strange things at this party, mostly the mansions decoration, but this had to be the strangest part of the night. "Are all Gotham parties this strange?"

A/N: Woohoo, double chapter. It took awhile to write so hopefully you guys like them.

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