chunin exams HAHAHA!!!

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HAHAHAHA. sorry guys I've been looking forward to see how you guys like the chunin exams x3 Orochimaru got shit to this. Btw he may die early. Anyway here's the story! Oh the first part is from another fanfiction after that its all mine they gave me inspiration!
I do give full credit to the original writer! Burning blood. Thank you for the help! the chunin exams i didn't know how to do the 3 part in the exams technically. Thats all he's getting credit for because i did the rest. Took me long enough to. X3


Sarutobi stared down at the Chuunin arena concern showing in his eyes. A chuckle reached his ears causing him to turn his head towards the source. The source of the chuckle was a man that looked to be in his early forties wearing yellow and white robes and the same stupid ceremonial hat Sarutobi had on his head. Sarutobi smiled at the man.

Well Raikage-san it is good to see you made it. The Raikage chuckled.

Of course I made it after all it is my niece down there. Sarutobi smiled.

Yes if I'm correct she is up against our young Uchiha first. The Raikage smiled at that.

Oh? I thought you placed the young prodigy against the sands Genin? The old Hokage chuckled.

Oh I changed the line up after all you don't always know who you're going up against in real this should prove useful to them. The Raikage chuckled.

And it's a lot more fun right? The Sandaime just smiled. As the Raikage sat down Sarutobi flicked his eyes over towards the Kazekage and inwardly smirked.

I knew you would try and pull this Orochimaru, but not even you are foolish enough to try and fight two kage's and two sanins by yourself.(brought both tsunade and jiraiya) Sarutobi's eyes snapped forward as he heard his name being called.

Hokage-sama neither the Uchiha nor the Uzumaki are here and they are the first two fights. Sarutobi gave a slight hum.

I'll push the Uchiha's fight till last seeing as he is with his sensei...Naruto-kun however has no such excuse so I'll allow him five minutes to get here if he does not show in that time...he is disqualified. Genma gave the announcement and everyone was watching the clocks. After four minutes passed Sarutobi gave a nod. Genma turned towards the crowed.

_Arena Floor_

It seems that Uzumaki Naruto has not arrived so by default Suba... Genma was cut off as a bolt of lightning crashed out of the clear sky and a voice filled the arena like a roar of thunder.

Ohh? And here I thought I still had one minute until my time limit was up. All eyes turned towards the lightning only to see a very changed Naruto.

Instead of the usual orange jumpsuit that the blond usually wore, he now donned a tight midnight blue muscle shirt and baggy black jeans that were being held up by his forehead protector. On his feet he wore a pair of solid black pair of ANBU boots. - my own part. -He also now had a pair of blood red and black tipped ears, along with a dark red tail with a black tip.

My own parts!

Naruto let a fox smirk replace his 'normal' smile.

Naruto was still going against neji.
Both people stood in front of eachother.
Genma stood between the two he slid his hand down like an arc and stated BEGIN!

Neither side moved. A loud pop was heard as neji hit naruto in the face.
The clone vanished only to electrocuted neji.

Naruto stepped out from the shadows.
Neji glared and ran forward only to go flying back towards his original position.

Neji closed his chakra points for a few minutes and decided to beat him but naruto was starting to beat neji in just Tai-jutsu. First step for becoming a ninja.

Naruto started to run through hand seals. third step genjutsu.
Kitsune's illusions. Neji watched his entire family be slaughtered by his own hands.
Neji screamed bloody murder.

Second step nin-jutsu.
Raiton: parallel kitsune prison call of the kyuubi!

A fox the size of four naruto was laying on the ground 9 tails swirling lazily behind him.
He yawned. Kit why summon me?
Wanted to see the faces. X3
Throw me into the air 200 ft.
Okay kit.
He lifted him with a tail and stood throwing him into the air.

Everyone stared at kyuubi no kitsune.
Um... hi.
Shouldn't you all be focused on the match?
You know the kit is gonna possibly kill neji right?
Nothing... wow.
A poof was heard.
Naruto was on the last seal. Tiger.
Raiton : kit alignment!
A set of blue cracks surrounded the entire arena naruto stood in the center.
His body was caught by kyuubi no kitsune before he vanished.

8 trigram 64 palm!

Neji never got to naruto. The closer he got the harder it was to move.

Naruto smirked and stated sins gravity. The force shoved neji into the ground then suddenly he was flying through the air into the stadium wall.
Sins marker!
The third part of naruto made jutsu causes the enemy to want to hit the user. Every attack on naruto is actually being used on neji.

Naruto let the gravity seal go and neji ran at him.
8 trigram 64 palm!
Neji coughed up blood violently.

Raiton : kit alignment
sins gravity.
Sins maker.
Sins almight wrath
Kitsune's sin

Neji couldn't move. Neji if i touch you with sins almight wrath you will die.
Kitsune's sin will make the arena into quicksand and slowly kill you.
Everyone started to sweat.

Do you yeild? He said in a serious tone.
Neji nodded slowly. I cannot yeild..

Everyone was amazed that neji wouldn't yield. Naruto understood and knocked him out only.

Genma stated Uzumaki Naruto is the winner!

The medics took neji to be healed.
Since he caused internal bleeding.

All the people (mostly ninja) cheered loudly tsume even jumped down just to hug him. Laughing the whole time. Hana laughed and drug her mom back to the stadium. Sorry naruto-kun hana said while leaving.

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