The invasion.

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I relized if i put anymore in the last chapter i might hav just forgot about making a new chapter. X3
Comment vote and well hope you guys like.

He laughed and smiled.

Yugito nii vs... ten ten..
Both contestants came down smiling.

Naruto yelled out a sudden... Yo don't kill eachother but do your best guys!..
Oh and i bet lee so yugito if you win your going to dinner with me! Lee suddenly spoke up and he has to kiss the winner! Tenten show yugito the fire inside you!

Lee who said i would kiss the winner?! She's my friend!!! Deal! Yugito yelled suddenly blushing profoundly. I won't kill her and your paying for dinner! Im gonna win this!
They both had a new determination about them.
0..0 okay.

They both laughed awkwardly and blushed and then took their respective stances.

Yugito went into a weird stance that had her slightly on her hands and feet in a Crouch almost like she was ready to pounce.

Ten ten had a blade out and had in behind her right sleeve but he legs were spread apart ready to move.
They charged at eachother ready to kill.

You not only a date but a kiss. Don't kill her since the young tom asked so nicely for you not to... but still crush her hopes with naru-kun.
I can sense she likes him.

Thats all it took to get yugito angry.
Ten ten threw several dozen weapons.
Yugito dodged most of them some cutting her. She started healing either way.

Yugito ran up quicker than tenten expected. They both clashed respective weapons.

Yugito dodge!
She did as asked.. ordered.
A backflip then an arc slash forced ten ten to be pushed back.

Raiton : demolish flower!
A huge flower crater started to break the ground making yugito the center.
The ground started to race towards ten ten who had more metal then the next person. She was taken out quickly. She was Electrocuted. Lee took her away for medical care.

Lee vs Garra.

lee took his weights off. Garra took his regular stance. .. if you could call it that. (he stands and moves his sand where ever it's needed)..

Garra threw his sand at lee who dodged with speed alone.

Sasuke and kakashi suddenly appeared. Are we on time?!

Garra and Lee nearly crushed them. They both were thrown into the arena wall. The laughter of naruto sounded off the walls. He couldn't breathe.

Kyuubi shut up! A villager yelled.
Everything went silent... a huge wave of killing intent started rolling off of naruto as he stood on the edge and jumped towards the bottom where the arena was. Still laughing just scarier.

Garra made his sand cover him completely..(totally not hiding from kyuubi or somehow worse Naruto x3).
Lee attacked the sand dome faster. trying to break it.

Naruto picked the villager up and actually threw him off the arena wall.
His eyes were blood red. You don't deserve to live. (Oh yeah naruto is really only loyal to the hokage but has exceptions like his friends and the NINJA that accepted him).

Cat-san caught the Villager only to beat him into a bloody mess. Everyone shuddered except the jinchuuriki who knew of pain more than anyone ever could.

Naruto threw a kuni at the kage box when villagers started running from the transforming shukaku.
The genjutsu that was supposed to put the village to sleep didn't work..

Orochimaru was frozen but still moving from being so desperate now. He ended up with shukaku going back to normal, the nibi never attacking because of the kyuubi-brat.

Not to mention the barrier that he had up was down and all four of them were dead.

Oh and to top it all off, he had not one but two kages attacking him, two sanins and the damn kyuubi-brat... and now the nibi-brat... and shukaku-brat.. attacking him.

Who was physically electrocuting him at the moment. He shed his skin again.
Yugito came up beside naruto along with Garra. Those three gave one look as Orochimaru summoned one his giant snake summon, two the first and second and fourth Hokage's to fight. (The kages were fighting well the kages)
The sanins jiraiya and tsunade were helping in that department.

They were also dealing with the giant snake with the help of shukaku. (Garra duh).

Yugito was all about helping naruto kill the snake basterd. Orochimaru. He killed the Kazekage so Garra's home had to figure out what to do know. Temari -was for the moment- going to be Kazekage.

Naruto stood above Orochimaru and grabbed his necklace and pointed his sword down and severing Orochimaru's head with a sickening crack. Blood sprayed out slightly covering naruto. Everyone knew the fight no longer existent.
(It took a good 45 minutes to trap Orochimaru).

The two Hokage's were released and could rest in peace once more.
The fourth Hokage was standing there to the side talking with naruto.
Everyone was surprised about that.

The first and second hokage were back to being dead. After thanking naruto and hugging the rest.

The invasion was easily taken care of...
Shikamaru, shino, the sand brother and sister fought alongside Hinata and kiba. Sasuke and sakura fought as well. Miko and koga fought hard for konoha.

Everyone was taken care of especially the wounded. The citizens were taking and placed inside the hidden bases inside the village. All ninja were attacking fiercely.

Killing all foreign ninja.

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