She would lose all movement, eventually. She would become fully paralyzed until she withered out on her own. But, until then, the doctors and nurses were numbing her pain as best as they could.

Two weeks into the woman's time at the hospital, the doctor walked in. He seemed to have some good news.

"Miss Jauregui. There's this scientist, Shawn Mendez. He's been doing research on patients with cancer for many years. He's conducted a study on Y/N and he is willing to try to reverse her cancer. He's done it before and he wants to help." He looked to the sleeping beauty on her bed.

"What do we have to do?" Lauren sniffled, holding her wife's limp hand.

"We'd fly Y/N out to Nevada and from there, he starts his series of tests until he gets enough information to reverse her cancer. Then, we get started on the experiment."

"Just like that? He doesn't want any money?" Clara spoke up, finding this too good to be true.

"No, ma'am. He wants to prove that his life's research is successful."

"You said he's done it before. Wasn't that enough to prove that?" Lauren wiped her tears away.

"He made the mistake of signing a confidentiality contract. All he can say is that he was successful, that's it." The doctor sighed.

"But this, Y/N will be different."

Y/N woke up in a lab of some sort, she had been in and out of sleep throughout the entire trip here. Her vision was blurry as she watched a man take her blood.

"Hi, Y/N. I'm Doctor Mendez. But you can call me Shawn. I'm going to be helping you get better."

"B-Be'er?" The woman struggled to speak, another symptom of her illness.

"Yes, honey. Your family is here, they're just getting settled into their rooms. Would you like to see them?" The woman nodded her head, making him smile.

"Send down the family, please. Thank you." He spoke into a speaker.

Escorted by military, the family walked into the lab.

"Baby." Lauren went to her lover, holding her hand.

"Laur." The woman smiled.

"This, is just a dose of Toradol. It's to prevent any further inflammation. It might make you a little sleepy, honey." He told the woman, making her nod.

The doctor injected the needle into her arm, slowly withdrawing it and placing a bandaid over her little wound.

"Okay. Let me just check these samples and I'll be right back." He told them, taking the blood samples with him.

The family was showering the woman in their love, telling her stories to make her laugh and joking around just to make her smile. Until the woman grew too tired to stay up.

The family let her rest, Doctor Mendez coming back. He pulled up Y/N's spinal scans, looking them over. He hummed, finding each and every one of her tumors.

"Okay. There's three phases to this process. Phase one is just shrinking these tumors down. We will have two surgeries to shrink them. Phase two is making sure she does well with phase one. Which means we will be testing all of her body functions. And phase three is finally going in to remove those tumors with one last surgery." He explained, the family following along.

"What exactly will you be using to shrink the tumors?" Clara asked, arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, Ma'am. Legal things." He sighed.

Lauren Jauregui Imagines 3Where stories live. Discover now