The three of them laughed, they had never had this before so made the most out of it even if it did include Skye being a victim to Alex and James, who had covered her in paint by now

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The three of them laughed, they had never had this before so made the most out of it even if it did include Skye being a victim to Alex and James, who had covered her in paint by now.

"It's looking good kids" Leo appeared as Alex was working on the moon.

"May I help" he asked.

The three triplets shared a look. Leo was easy going and they sort of trusted he wouldn't hurt them so they nodded.

Since stars were their thing , Leo got to work on the stars. Somehow it got to him. The only time he spent truly alone with Skye was when they watched the stars. Even if he was alone in the house with her, Alex and James weren't far away.

The three triplets were having fun and with Leo doing the chalk wall, the painting complete, they decided to clean up a bit before putting the furniture in.

Whilst clearing up , Alex so an opportunity to flick more paint at Skye. Skye had her back turned, it was the perfect plan.

Only it failed because she moved out of the way, it hit Leo instead.

All three of them waited cautiously to see what Leo would do.

He looked at the large spots of paint on his hoodie. He smirked. He didn't mind as it was a old hoodie and he was happy the triplets were having fun.

"Alexander" just saying his name had Alex nervous, especially when Leo was walking towards him.

"You know flicking paint is wrong. Am I to presume that's why you're all covered in paint, rather than the assumption you're terrible painters" he said.

Alex nodded

"Well perhaps if you go clean up we can forget it" he said.

Alex quickly nodded and turned to leave, as he went to walk out though , Leo was quick to open a fresh tin of paint and pour it over Alex.

"Call it even" Leo said when Alex turned around looking at Leo in shock.

The smile on his face gave away that he was never truly angry.

"That's where you're wrong. I have James and Skye, you have no one"

"Actually I'm with Leo, you both have been teaming  up to get me all day, and you aimed at me not Leo" Skye added.

"We're wounded Skye " James said expecting the anwser.

"So very wounded that this is only necessary " he added as he got some more paint and went to pour it on her. He successfully managed to pour half the can on her but Skye pushed the can at him and the other half landed on him.

The triplets couldn't help laugh at how they had covered each other in paint. Leo smiled watching them bond without fear was great to see.

However their laughter was short lived as Lorenzo was stood at the doorway, paint spatter had hit him.

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