"Trina!!" She heard her mom's voice. "Tri–" Portia cuts herself off as her daughter turns around. "Trina..." she whispered in disbelief.


"You're pregnant," She stated the obvious. She looked up at Trina and automatically saw Spencer beside her. "This is what I hoped never happened; he took your youth away." Trina exhaled; she shook her head. "You can't blame him for a two persons activity." She shrugged, "Spencer took nothing from me, unlike you did."

Portia's laughter was filled with pain as she released it. "Everything I do for you was out of love, Trina. I wanted you to be happy."

"I AM happy, Mom!" Her voice raised, catching the attention of patients, locals, and colleagues of Portia.

"I've been through a lot, but to blame it all on one person and attempt to hurt that person's reputation and hurt me in the process – to break something that makes me happy is wrong and selfish. He's not perfect, Mom! No one's perfect, not even you – look at what you've done! Look at what you drove yourself to!" Trina vented, tears trailing down her face.

"Spencer does wrong; I've never been ashamed to admit that! I've told him that to his face many times; I know who he is – I know the type of person he can be, but he's not wrong for me! Can you get that?"

Portia bit her lips as she held her clipboard to her chest.

"And you know, despite it all, up to our arrival here, he understands you – he vouches for you; he expressed to me that I don't need to hate you to love him. I don't need to hate you; I just have to love you from afar. But, you don't try to see that side of him." Trina's voice cracks as she vents to her mom.

Portia glanced at Spencer, who avoided eye contact at first but decided to look at her.

"I'm sorry," Portia whispered, looking at Trina before her eyes wandered past her; Trina noticed her mom's eyes gazed past her; they landed on Spencer, who nodded in return.

Trina nodded before speaking once more. "I forgive you. I forgive you so I can let this anger and hurt go. I'm forgiving you for my baby, along with the fact that I know Spencer has forgiven you as well. He truly has a bigger heart than I do. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have been here right now."

Trina sighed as she stepped away from her mom.

"I'm seven months, just so that you know." She whispered to her mom before grabbing Spencer's hand in the direction they were going before the interruption.


"I don't know if it's because of your mom, the walk, or the ice cream, but he's fully cooperating now." Spencer and Trina chuckled at the comment as they resumed the ultrasound.

"And you're having..." he glides the wand around Trina's stomach before stopping in a certain position and then turning back to his laptop as he turns to his laptop.

"A healthy baby boy."

Trina beamed, glancing up at Spencer, who noticeably withheld his excitement.

Unknown to them, Portia stood behind the door, hearing the news. Her heart combined a jump and a break as she walked away from the door. 

She entered her office, locked the door, and closed the window.

She finally broke down.

Her back slid down her door as her breathing quickened. Her tears kept flowing as she felt as if she was stuck in limbo.

Trina smiled as Spencer paced around the house in excitement. The excitement of being a father to a child with the love of his life and the fact that the Cassadine lineage and hierarchy lives on.

"Well, you're going to be able to give him the legendary Cassadine middle name," Trina mentioned making him laugh; she beamed at the sight of Spencer. A burst of innocence and purity glowed through him for the first time in a while, making her full.

As he calmed down, he kneeled before her, laying on her lap. "Do you want to get married?" he asked as she massaged his scalp. "because of the baby?" she asked, and he shook his head quickly. "No, not because you're pregnant."

He sat back on his heels as he held her thighs.

"I mean, the baby is a factor; I want us to be a fully documented family." he chuckled, and she followed. "But what you said in the hospital, that I'm right for you, You solidified my biggest insecurity – being Mr. Wrong."

She nodded, remembering their conversations about his internal battle.

"One thing is for sure, you've always been right for me. You've always been my light, angel, advocate, and reality checks; you're everything in one beautiful human form, and I never want to let you go."

Trina's eyes became glossy as she joked, "This sounds like a proposal." he laughed softly as he wiped the tear from his left eye.

"Maybe it is." He teased, standing up; he returned from his closet with a box in hand.

Trina screamed and laughed as he kneeled back down before her. "This wasn't how I planned it, but the moment seems perfect." Trina laughed once more as her words were caught in her throat.

"Trina Robinson, will you marry me?" She nodded, immediately colliding in his chest as she kneeled with him. "You are truly unexpecting, Mr. Cassadine." Trina held him tightly before he pulled her away to place the ring on her finger.

"How long did you have this?" He bit his lips as he responded. "Two months; I had it engraved on the inside with the date we first met."

Trina's eyes beamed with tenderness as they sat silently for a moment.

"Who would've thought we'd make it this far?" She asked softly as she took his hand. "I did." he answered, "One year down, forever to go." she kissed his hand before squeezing and whispering. "forever to go."

She paused, "So, what do you think? Summer or Winter wedding? It can't be Spring; I need time to get back in shape for my dress." She started rambling as Spencer helped her up.

"Holy shit, I have two dads; which one will walk me down the aisle? Should I let both? Would that be weird?" She continued rambling, triggering a short laughter from Spencer as he guided them into their room and shut the door.

Mr. Wrong | Sprina ✔Where stories live. Discover now