Confession - Kim Taehyung

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When you wait for the right time, you'll never know when it's already too late.

~Jimin POV~

The door unlocking sound froze us. We weren't expecting anyone to come, no one can see me in this disaster, especially Taehyung. "Hello people, why are you not picking up my calls?" "Jungkook, why did you leave? The party was so much fun. You would have definitely gotten laid if you stayed. I went crazy answering the amount of people for you going missing". Jungkook looked at me for a brief second and back to the door "Jimin-ah i missed you so much. I wish you were with me. We would have had fun." "Guess who got laid?" We heard Taehyung speaking, he was still at the door. Maybe removing his shoes or jacket. The panic on Jungkook's face was enough to know he regretted everything. I know he loves Taehyung. What happened between us was just a mistake. We should have talked before Taehyung walked in. What should I tell Taehyung, what happened last night shouldn't have happened. But if i tell Taehyung it was Jungkook who i slept with, it'll be all over for Jungkook. He won't have a chance to confess his love to him. And I won't let that happen. Jungkook deserves to be loved and so does Taehyung. They should get closure to their feelings.

Jungkook and I both panicked. we couldn't move or think straight: we both turned pale. We both know things are gonna go downhill now and we prepared ourselves for what's coming. We waited, horror-struck, as Taehyung walked in the kitchen. "Hey, why didn't you.... Jimin, what happened? Your neck?" That's when I realized, I should've covered it with makeup. But it was just me and Jungkook so i didn't bother to take the effort of covering it. I instantly tried covering my neck with my hands. He walked towards me, pulling my hands down to get a better view. "What the fuck is this jimin? Is this why you stayed back?". He was furious. "I can explain, it's not what it looks like". I said. "How is it jimin? Enlighten me? I really thought you needed time to relax. I didn't know when you said relax, you meant this". He looked at me in kind of disgust. What should I say? definitely not the truth, any excuse or lie, but nothing came out of me? "Tell me jimin?". He yelled. "I'm waiting for the lies you're gonna feed me". Jungkook stood between us. "Hey listen, calm down. You are scaring him". "You stay out of this, it's none of your business". Taehyung said with anger. And looking at jungkook i know he is running out of patience too. He is already worked up about what has happened between us and now taehyung is adding fuel to his anger. Yet he calmly said "This is". Jungkook looked at me, as if he was ready to spill out everything. No, please don't say anything. I prayed to every god in the universe. "This is my house, so it's my business, you can't talk to him like this. Go home, we'll talk in the evening. When he'll be ready to tell you and when you will be calm enough to listen to him". Jungkook stood in between me and Taehyung. I know Jungkook wanted taehyung to be gone so we can talk, name it as a mistake and move on. But never got the time to talk. Taehyung continued "Jungkook, you don't understand I'm not angry because he got laid, I'm angry because he lied. I'm his best friend, his soulmate. I have no right to stop him from getting laid but he has no reason for hiding it from me?" Jungkook laughed, "aren't we all liars taehyung? Are you sure you never lied to Jimin, because we both know that's not the truth." The atmosphere turned sour. I walked next to Jungkook, no more hiding behind him. I always knew there is something I don't know, it's just between Jungkook and Taehyung, now that they mentioned it. I wanna know the truth too. "I had my reasons to not tell him" Taehyung spat back. "What is it, you have not told me?" Curiosity took a toll on me, I always wanted to know what these two were hiding from me. "Jimin, this is not the right time to talk about this, I'll tell you everything when it's the right time". Jungkook laughed bitterly, "coward! Your right time would never come. You claim him before I do. I'm about to lose my patience or I'll tell him everything." Their both eyes were on fire. "You won't do that", " Try me" Jungkook challenged him. I was watching them dumbfounded. Tell me what? Claim me? What is he even saying? Why would Taehyung claim me? Why the fuck jungkook would claim me? What the actual fuck is happening? "Taehyung, What are you hiding from me? All these years I waited for you to tell me patiently because I knew there must be a good reason for you not telling me, but now I really wanna know". He didn't answer right away, but I could feel him struggling, so I waited. I saw the debate in his eyes. How hard it was for him to say it loud. "Okay, if that's what you want". He came closer to me, holding my hands. I could see tears in his eyes. I wanted to hug him and tell him it's fine, if he can't say it. I'll wait. But no, not this time. I wanted to know everything, about all the secrets, lies he was hiding. So I patiently waited for him to speak, to tell me the truth. "Jimin" he held my hand even tighter, as if I'd run away. His voice broke and I could hear that he was fighting tears. He took a deep breath and continued " Jimin, I love you". I stared stupidly at him. "I have always loved you since we were kids. I love you so much". His voice is breathless and full of fear. "I love you and I'll love you forever. Even when I can't." My tears fell harder at his words. Not even in my wildest dreams i thought about this Taehyung loves me. "And I'll love you forever. Even when I shouldn't ". We looked into each other's eyes. "I wanted to confess my feelings but before that I wanted to get capable enough to give you the world. So I waited, waited for the right moment. You started dating Hoseok and I was scattered, depressed and heartbroken. Jungkook saw everything, he was a great support to me, he has always been there for me. I somehow managed to accept the reality. It was so hard for me, everything. I regret everything, coming to Seoul, getting away from you, leaving you behind, not confessing my feelings". He was really crying now but trying to muffle the sound. I was a crying mess too. "You never saw me as more than a friend and that hurt me. Jungkook understood my love for you without me telling him but you never did. I'm madly in love with you, Park jimin. I always have been. When you broke up, I wanted to tell you everything but again I wanted to give you time to heal, so I waited. When you moved in here, I wanted you to move in with me, but I was scared of myself, I don't have control when it comes to you and I would have definitely done something I would have regretted and spoiled everything between us. So I asked Jungkook if he could keep you here with him for some time. Jungkook is right, I'm a coward. I feared losing you so I never confessed. Without you I'm nothing. I didn't want to end what's between us in greed of what I want us to be. Even if you don't like me, Jimin, it's fine. Please, don't leave me, don't break our friendship, I treasure you and our bond. You are the best thing in my life, I can't afford to lose you". He hugged me and I held him tightly. It must have been hard for him. I understand it because I'm doing the same.
I hugged Taehyung tighter and that's when I saw Jungkook. Standing behind Taehyung. A satisfaction on his face as if he has accomplished his goal. But his eyes said otherwise, He was crying and he looked heartbroken. Now, I can connect a few dots, now I get why Jungkook hates me? But wait, Jungkook loves Taehyung. And Taehyung loves.... Did Jungkook sacrifice his love for me? But why?

I held Taehyung's face in my hand, because he deserves the truth too. "Shh, everything is gonna be fine. I'm not going anywhere, see I'm right in front of you. And I promise, I won't leave you no matter what. I want you to hear me, because you are not the only one who lied here".

To be continued....

Hi fam,

I'm back with a rollercoaster chapter. This is hell a lot of big chapter hope y'all like it. "Drum roll" we're close to the end. Lemme know if you want POV for jungkook too for this chapter.

I'll be doing a poll on twitter - @trustrated_soul.

Stay healthy stay safe ❤️

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