This Is How I Met You Jeon Jungook

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"Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn't have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again."

~The Mess I Got Into ~


Present Day - Jimin POV

I have dreamt of coming to Seoul all my life for a better future, for my dreams and here I am. A strange city, strangers around, a new life with a new lifestyle. The only person I know in this entirely unknown city was Taehyung. I was waiting for Taehyung as he said he was gonna pick me up at the airport. After a few minutes of waiting, I saw him walking towards me. Looking as handsome as he always is. I really needed a warm hug as I was too overwhelmed with everything and before I could ask him for a hug, he was hugging me tight as if our life depended on this hug. " It's so good to see you", I said. "I missed you so much, sorry I'm late because of traffic, did i make you wait for long?" he asked. "No", I said. He held my face in his big hands, saying nothing just looking at my face, as if it's been years since he had not seen me or it just felt like years. He really missed me, I thought with the way he was looking at me. We were standing like that for more than 10 minutes, everyone passing by was looking at us. Did that matter? "No" what mattered was "Taehyung" and just him. I missed him, I missed him more than anything. All these years away from him, I got to understand how hard life is without him. How much he matters to me. How important he is in my life. How his simple existence by my side makes things better. I was too lost in my thoughts, when he asked "You fine?" As I looked too lost and didn't answer, he shook me a bit and asked again "You fine, you seem to be lost", I smiled and said "Yes, I'm fine. Now that you're here I'm fine, more than fine." Hearing this he smiled. "I'll always be, now and forever. Just look for me and I'll be there". Those were the exact words I needed. He always knows how to comfort me or what's on my mind. I hugged him again and without a word he hugged me back. He said we need to head home now as Jungkook is waiting for us. We drove to Jungkook's place.

Jungkook -

All these years i have heard about him, talked to him on call but today It'll be my first time seeing him. I'm so nervous that he won't like me. Taehyung keeps on saying that Jungkook likes me but staying under the same roof with him makes me worry what if i disappoint him in some or the other way. Taehyung also said it's just for a few months but yet I'm walking into his space, invading his privacy. Not everyone is comfortable with that, especially not strangers. I have known Jungkook for years but there's not much I know about him except that he is a hardworking and kind person, he's a total stranger to me and I'm for him. I hope we get along well.

When we reached home, Taehyung parked his car and we started walking towards the doors, he rang the bell and we were waiting for Jungkook to open the door. Honestly my heart was beating crazily, it was about to come out if I waited even a minute. The door opened and the man in front of my eyes was the most beautiful human I have seen, of course after Taehyung. Tall, broad shoulders, hand completely inked, doe eyes, hairs falling on those beautiful eyes, sharp nose, small lips. He was looking like a walking Greek God. I don't know how long I was staring at him, checking him out up and down and how can I not, any person would have done the same. Taehyung coughed and that's when I noticed they've been looking at me, waiting for me to say something or at least get in. I have been standing at the door entrance for a long time completely lost in my thoughts. Taehyung held my hand and we walked in the house. No one had said a word and it seemed like an uncomfortable silence. Thoughts after thoughts started in my head "what if he doesn't want me here?", "I think he hates me?" "He can't even talk to me. How are we gonna stay under the same roof?" I know these are really unwanted thoughts but I can't help. Finally Taehyung broke the silence and introduced us. We had a small handshake, He was much taller than me and the bulk of him was a little intimidating. We had eye contact for just a few seconds and the persona he had, made my legs go weak. Those eyes were cold, no emotions in them, no smile, just a blank face. It's not even an hour since I have come here, this man has had a great impact on me. I don't know how staying alone with him is gonna be. Taehyung on the other hand seemed to be relaxed. I remember him saying the first time he met Jungkook he found him kind and friendly. Why is it so different for me? or, I'm just overthinking over every small thing?. Whatever it is, I hope these days go by soon and I'll get another place to stay but till then I'll avoid Jungkook at all costs.

Taehyung and him were talking when I asked them where my room would be so I could go and unpack. Taehyung guided me to my room. I quickly held Taehyung and we walked to the bed. " Taehyung, I think he hates me? He hasn't said a single word since I have walked in, did you force him to keep me here? I asked. "No Jimin, since the time we got home you seemed to be zooming out a lot. So he said it's new to you, I mean the place and him so you need some time to adjust. He just doesn't want to bother you much and give you your space" Taehyung smiled while holding my hands in his "I know you Jimin, you think a lot. Just give your little brain some rest and enjoy your first day in Seoul with a smile without thinking much. I have known Jungkook for years, he is nothing but a sweetheart. Just give yourself and him some time to open up and then see in no time you'll fall for his charm". I smiled at him, not much convinced. He continued "Also he is an introvert, so be patient with him. He might not talk at first or a lot but once he gets comfortable you'll run behind me to ask how to make Jungkook shut and now the answer to your question is yes, i did asked him if i can keep you here for time being as i didn't had any other options, but it was his decision to keep you here, i didn't force him. Whatever his decision would have been, I would have respected it". I nodded "Now let's unpack your bag so you can dress comfortably, Mr. overthinker. Jungkookie is waiting for us outside". I started unpacking the bag, I just opened one bag as the rest can be done later. right now, I just need a comfortable pair of clothes so I can go out and enjoy the remaining day with my best friend and soon to be friends. "Jimin, You must be tired? How about you take a warm bath, get dressed and come out and join us. Till then I'll help Jungkook in cooking, I'm sure he'll be struggling", He said with a smile. While he was on his way to head outside, I called out to him "Taehyung" he turned, "Thank you for everything" he walked in kissed my forehead and said " You dont need to thank me, just get ready, I'll be waiting out" i nodded and he stepped out.

Part 2 continues.....

I know this chapter didn't have much of Jungkook and Jimin interaction but don't worry soon things are gonna spice up in them. Just wait patiently.

Hi fam,

I’m so grateful for all the kudos, votes, comments here and on Wattpad. Thank you for the positive support and encouragement. I've re-read and have seen how much i lack with so many things. English is not my first language, there are a lot of grammatical and tense mistakes, My vocabulary is limited. I'm having a hard time expressing emotions to convey the storyline. This is my first time writing so please don't expect too much from me. I'm still learning and have a long way to go, I don't know if I'm even giving justice to your support nevertheless I'll try my best to work hard and deliver my best. Keep supporting that gives me strength and work hard.

Stay healthy, stay strong.

The Mess I Got Into ( This Is How I Met You ) JikookWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt